Regulatory returns guidance
Guidance for information collected in the Regulatory Returns service by licensing sector.
- Overview and feedback
- Common terms and definitions
- General guidance on submitting regulatory returns
- Reporting gross gambling yield (GGY) on regulatory returns
- Certification statement
- Late or inaccurate regulatory returns
- How we handle your data
- Adult Gaming Centre
- Bingo
- Betting
- Betting (standard) - non-remote
- Betting (limited) - non-remote
- Betting intermediary - non-remote
- Pool betting - non-remote
- Casino 1968
- Casino 2005
- External Lottery Manager
- Family Entertainment Centre
- Gaming machines and software
- Gambling software – ancillary, non-remote, remote and linked
- Gaming machine technical - supplier and full - non-remote, remote and linked
- Remote Casino, Betting and Bingo (RCBB)
- Betting host (real and virtual)
- Betting intermediary - remote
- Betting intermediary (trading rooms only) - remote
- Bingo (operating) - remote
- Bingo (game host) - remote
- Casino (operating) - remote
- Casino (game host) - remote
- General betting standard (real and virtual events) - remote and general betting (limited) - remote
- Pool betting - remote
- Society Lottery
Certification statement
The certification statement at the end of each regulatory return needs to be signed by a Personal Management Licence holder (an individual holding a specified management offices) employed by, or working for, the operator completing the return. For small-scale operators, the person with control of the business should sign the certification.
We expect the signatory to make reasonable enquiries to ensure that the submitted regulatory return is accurate and complete. Also, that the organisation’s processes and procedures for data collection are robust and assured. The extent of reasonable enquiries will differ between sectors and size of business.
Previous sectionRR Guidance - Reporting gross gambling yield (GGY) on regulatory returns Next section
RR Guidance - Late or inaccurate regulatory returns
Last updated: 1 July 2024
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