Can we answer your query before contacting us?
General queries and complaints
Our complaints hub helps direct your complaint to the right place.
If you have a question that has not been answered on the site, you can call or send us a message.
Tell us something in confidence
If you have seen something that looks illegal or want to report something confidentially, you can do so online or over the phone.
Questions about your licence or an application for a licence
If you hold a licence issued by us, and have a question, check our guide for licensees before contacting us.
You can also use the form for technical issues.
Request information from us
If you want to make a formal request for information or need information in a specific format or language.
Report an accessibility issue
If our website isn't accessible, let us know.
Our office
If you are visiting us on official business or posting documents to us.
Our office is not open to the general public.
Press office
Details for our press office for the media, journalists and researchers. Do not use these details for general enquiries.(same page link)
Sales calls and recruitment agencies
We are subscribed to the Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) and do not wish to receive unsolicited sales and marketing telephone calls.
It is a legal requirement that companies do not make such calls to numbers registered with the CTPS.
We are not currently looking to add to our list of preferred recruitment partners list at this time.
When we have a vacancy that requires recruitment agency support, we will get in touch with our preferred partners. You can find out more on our careers page.