Licensing sectors
Guidance, information and policies by the sectors we licence.
Guidance by sector
We have grouped all guidance, policies and information by sector to make it easier to understand what we expect from licensees when they are applying for, or hold, a Gambling Commission licence.
Guidance for licensed and unlicensed Family Entertainment Centres and Adult Gaming Centres.
Information for betting in shops, tracks, racecourses and pools, including real and virtual betting.
Information on bingo and details of when you need a licence to run a bingo game.
Information for casinos under the 1968 and 2005 Acts.
Gaming machines and software
Policies for gaming machines and gambling software including technical standards, testing strategies and test houses.
Information for running lotteries and raffles including guidance for External Lottery Managers (ELMs).
Guidance and technical standards for businesses providing gambling online, through apps or via TV or other devices.