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Regulatory returns guidance

Guidance for information collected in the Regulatory Returns service by licensing sector.

Published: 4 May 2021

Last updated: 30 September 2024

This version was printed or saved on: 22 October 2024

Online version: https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/guidance/regulatory-returns-guidance

Overview and feedback

If you misrepresent or fail to reveal information that you are asked to provide, unless you have a reasonable excuse, you will have committed an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in new tab). Anyone who provides information of a false or misleading nature risks prosecution.

Gambling operators are required to send us a regulatory return for each type of activity for which they hold a licence.

We use the data provided to:

The requirement to provide a regulatory return is contained within Licence condition 15.3.1 of our Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP).

The questions we ask for each licence type are contained within this section of our website, along with guidance for each question.


We are seeking feedback on these questions. Get in touch with us via our online contact form.

Common terms and definitions

See the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance.

See the list of lottery common terms used in the External Lottery Manager regulatory returns.

General guidance on submitting regulatory returns

Regulatory returns need to be submitted via our online regulatory returns system, which is accessed via eServices.

Please note this guidance applies to all regulatory returns with a reporting period starting from 1 July 2024. Operators can request a copy of guidance relating to returns prior to the reporting date of 1 July 2024 by emailing regulatoryreturns@gamblingcommission.gov.uk

All regulatory returns are quarterly and have the following reporting period start and end dates:

Quarter one – 1 April to 30 June

Quarter two – 1 July to 30 September

Quarter three – 1 October to 31 December

Quarter four – 1 January to 31 March.

All returns must be submitted within 28 days of the end of the quarterly period.

If a gambling operator has ceased trading in a licensed activity, or has not yet started to trade, but still holds a valid licence at the time a return is due, it must submit a 'nil' return.

A separate return must be submitted for each licence type. However, some return types cover multiple licence types. For example, the Remote Casino, Betting and Bingo (RCBB) return covers 9 different remote licences. If a question is not applicable to an operator’s licence, for example questions on remote bingo when the licence is for remote casino, operators must enter ‘0’ in the return. This is because all numeric fields in each regulatory return must contain a value.

Reporting gross gambling yield (GGY) on regulatory returns

You need to report financial information in your regulatory returns. To report Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) correctly the stake and prize amounts must reflect only the gambling transactions that form part of the GGY calculation.

Unlike many other gambling regulators, our regulatory returns ask for figures on GGY not Gross Gambling Revenue (GGR). Operators must ensure they report GGY figures to us, not GGR.

Treatment of GGY from Northern Ireland and Crown Dependencies

As the Gambling Commission only regulates gambling in Great Britain, not the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (except for The National Lottery), operators must ensure the data they submit is for their operations in Great Britain (GB) only (except where non-GB data is asked for). Northern Ireland data must not be included in GB only questions. Data for customers or operations relating to the Isle of Man, Guernsey and the Bailiwick of Jersey must also be omitted from GB only questions, as these are Crown Dependencies and not part of Great Britain.

GB and non-GB GGY

Where we ask for non-GB GGY to be reported, licensees must report any GGY from any customers outside of Great Britain from which they are deriving GGY in reliance on their Commission operating licence. GGY from non-GB customers in jurisdictions for which the licensee has a licence, or relies on a licence issued by another jurisdiction, must not be reported to us.

A GB customer is defined as a customer who is physically located in Great Britain when they use gambling facilities provided in reliance on a licence issued by us, regardless of their usual residential address. A non-GB customer is defined as a customer who is not physically located in Great Britain when they use gambling facilities provided in reliance on a licence issued by us, regardless of their usual residential address.

How to calculate your GGY

GGY is to be calculated using the following formula:

A + B - C

A is the total of any amounts that will be paid to the licensee by way of stakes in the relevant period in connection with the activities authorised by the licence.

B is the total of any amounts (exclusive of value added tax) that will otherwise accrue to the licensee in the relevant period directly in connection with the activities authorised by the licence.

C is the total of any amounts that will be deducted by the licensee in respect of the provision of prizes or winnings in the relevant period in connection with the activities authorised by the licence.

How free bets and bonuses affect annual GGY

Free bets or bonuses should only be counted when calculating GGY if the customer has the unrestricted right to opt instead to receive a cash equivalent to the value of that free bet or bonus.

As a stake (A)

If the customer uses as a stake, a free bet or bonus, which provides them with the unrestricted right to opt to receive cash equivalent to the value of the free bet or bonus, then this would fall under A in the formula.

As a prize (C)

If a prize is won in the form of a free bet or bonus which provides the customer with the unrestricted right to opt to receive a cash equivalent to the value of the free bet or bonus, then this would fall under C in the formula.

All other free bets and bonuses do not need to be recorded.

Examples of transactions

A customer stakes a £10 free bet or bonus which does not provide the unrestricted right to opt to receive cash equivalent to its value and loses the entire amount. There was £0 paid to the operator (A) and no prize awarded so £0 is paid out in prizes (C) the GGY from this transaction is £0.

A customer stakes a £10 free bet or bonus which does not provide the unrestricted right to opt to receive cash equivalent to its value and receives a prize of £20 in free bet or bonus which again does not provide the unrestricted right to opt to receive cash equivalent to its value. There was £0 paid to the operator (A) and £0 is paid out in prizes (C), the GGY from this transaction is £0.

A customer continues to stake the free bet or bonus from the second example. The customer stakes £20 in free bet or bonus, and wins a prize of £50, or a free bet or bonus which provides the unrestricted right to opt to receive £50 cash. There was £0 paid to the operator (A) and £50 paid out in prizes (C). The GGY from this transaction is -£50.

For the previous examples, you would record on your return:

£0 wagered and £0 payout

£0 wagered and £0 payout

£0 wagered and £50 payout

How loyalty schemes affect GGY

Loyalty schemes such as ‘rake back’ or ‘cash back’ or similar must not be counted towards A, B or C.

These payments do not form part of a gambling transaction and are part of the costs of conducting business such as payments to affiliates for the acquisition of players.

For example, an individual might stake £100 over the course of a month and win £20. They have a cash back agreement and get 10 percent of their losses back. The GGY calculation for that player is (A = £100) – (C = £20) = GGY of £80.

The £8 the operator returns as cash back is not deducted from GGY and (on the basis it is now cash) if it is wagered the following month it would count towards the amount staked.

Certification statement

The certification statement at the end of each regulatory return needs to be signed by a Personal Management Licence holder (an individual holding a specified management offices) employed by, or working for, the operator completing the return. For small-scale operators, the person with control of the business should sign the certification.

We expect the signatory to make reasonable enquiries to ensure that the submitted regulatory return is accurate and complete. Also, that the organisation’s processes and procedures for data collection are robust and assured. The extent of reasonable enquiries will differ between sectors and size of business.

Late or inaccurate regulatory returns

Correct and full submission of regulatory returns is a condition of holding a gambling licence.

Most gambling operators submit their returns on time and accurately. Chasing returns which are late or have errors, costs time and money and makes us less efficient.

Where returns are submitted late, incomplete, or are inaccurate, we will contact the gambling operator. If we do not receive an up-to-date, accurate regulatory return after we have contacted operators, we refer the matter to our Enforcement team.

We may also contact the operator after receiving a completed return, should we require any further information or clarification of the information submitted to us.

If a gambling operator misrepresents or fails to reveal information that it is asked to provide, unless it has a reasonable excuse, it will have committed an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in new tab). We may prosecute gambling operators which provide us with information which is false or deliberately misleading.

How we handle your data

All information provided will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) (opens in new tab). However, it may be disclosed to government departments or agencies, local authorities and other bodies when it is necessary to do so in order to carry out our functions and where we are legally required to do so.

As a public authority we must comply with the requirements of Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 (opens in new tab). We consider requests for information made under the Act on a case-by-case basis. Our policy on release of information is available on our website.

Adult Gaming Centre

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-gambling services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your facilities, attempt to gamble (for example, attempt to load credit onto a gaming machine), or actually gambles. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer is able to gamble and includes attempts to enter premises. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged.
For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a gaming machine, or completed a transaction over the counter. That transaction can include asking to load money on to a gaming machine. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by observed behaviour or activity by a customer, which may indicate gambling harm risks.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether or not you have made a contribution during the regulatory period.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.
Premises overview Total number of active premises Provide the total number of active premises (those offering a licensed activity) as at the end date of this return.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Prize Games Category - Prize games (Total gross sales) Record the turnover from prize games for the period covered by this return, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received this is the amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined and before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Prize Games Total - Prize games (Total gross sales) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Prize Games Category - Prize games (Total participation fees) Record the total participation fees retained from prize gaming gross sales activities for the period covered by this return.
Prize Games Total - Prize games (Total participation fees) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - C (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - D (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category C and category D games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category C, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B (Gross Gambling Yield) (GGY) The GGY attributable to category B machines content.
Cabinets Cabinet category - C (GGY) The GGY attributable to category C machines content.
Cabinets Cabinet category - D (GGY) The GGY attributable to category D machines content.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period If the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect, state the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this regulatory return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.


Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the lack of provision of air conditioning in premises) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period.
Operational events Self exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement during the reporting period for this regulatory return. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your facilities, attempt to gamble, or actually gambles. It is not limited to occasions where the self-excluded customer is able to gamble, and includes attempts to enter premises. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a gaming machine or electronic gaming or bingo terminal, bought in at a gaming table or completed a transaction (such as purchasing bingo tickets) over the counter. That transaction can include asking to load money on to a gaming machine. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling.
A customer interaction is initiated by the operator and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether or not you have made a contribution during the period relating to this regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return – only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter the details relating to the contribution.
Premises overview Total number of active premises Provide the total number of active premises (those offering a licensed activity) as at the end date of this return.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Cabinets Cabinet category - B (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category). Record the number of cabinets and the average number (over the period covered by the return) of Electronic Bingo Terminals (EBTs) offering this category of games.
Where a cabinet or EBT contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet or EBT offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - C (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category). Record the number of cabinets and the average number (over the period covered by the return) of EBTs offering this category of games.
Where a cabinet or EBT contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet or EBT offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - D (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category). Record the number of cabinets and the average number (over the period covered by the return) of EBTs offering this category of games.
Where a cabinet or EBT contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet or EBT offers both category C and category D games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category C, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B (Gross Gambling Yield) The Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) attributable to this category of games. Also include GGY from this category of gaming machine content played on EBTs.
Cabinets Cabinet category - C (GGY) The GGY attributable to this category of games. Also include GGY from this category of gaming machine content played on EBTs.
Cabinets Cabinet category - D (GGY) The GGY attributable to this category of games. Also include GGY from this category of gaming machine content played on EBTs.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Bingo Games Type of game - Main stage bingo games (Total Gross Sales) The amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined attributable to this activity for the period covered by this regulatory return. This should include totals for this activity derived from EBTs.
Bingo Games Type of game - Prize bingo (Total Gross Sales) The amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined attributable to this activity for the period covered by this regulatory return. This should include totals for this activity derived from EBTs.
Bingo Games Type of game - Mechanised cash bingo (Total Gross Sales) The amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined attributable to this activity for the period covered by this regulatory return. This should include totals for this activity derived from EBTs.
Bingo Games Category - Total (Total Gross Sales) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Bingo Games Type of game - Main stage bingo games (Total Fees) The total participation fees (or GGY) retained from the gross sales attributed to this activity for the period covered by this return. This should also include total participation fees from main stage bingo activities played on EBTs.
Bingo Games Type of game - Prize bingo (Total Fees) The total participation fees (or GGY) retained from the gross sales attributed to this activity for the period covered by this return. This should also include total participation fees from prize bingo activities played on EBTs.
Bingo Games Type of game - Mechanised cash bingo (Total Fees) The total participation fees (or GGY) retained from the gross sales attributed to this activity for the period covered by this return. This should also include total participation fees from mechanised cash bingo activities played on EBTs.
Bingo Games Category - Total (Total Fees) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Video Bingo Terminals (VBTs) Machine type - Details of VBTs for the period applying to this return - Average number of terminals Provide the average number of VBTs over the period covered by this return. This should also include the average number (over the period covered by the return) of EBTs offering video bingo.
Video Bingo Terminals (VBTs) Machine type - Details of VBTs for the period applying to this return – Gross profit Enter the gross profit value for VBTs over the period covered by this return. This should also include gross profit totals from video bingo played on EBTs for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period If the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect, state the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this regulatory return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.


Betting (standard) - non-remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the lack of air conditioning in a premises) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period for this regulatory return.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your premises, attempt to gamble (for example, attempt to use a self-service betting terminal or a gaming machine), or actually gambles. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer has gambled and includes attempts to enter your premises. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a gaming machine or self-service betting terminal, or completed a transaction over the counter. That transaction can include placing a bet or asking to load money on to a gaming machine. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.
Premises Overview Total number of active premises Provide the total number of active premises (those offering a licensed activity) as at the end date of this return.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Off Course Trading results - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Football (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Numbers (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes lotto and bingo-style numbers betting and virtual sports such as virtual horse-racing), where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes betting on any activity not covered by the previous fields, such as betting on novelty events or other sports), where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Off Course Trading results - Horses (Profit) The Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Football (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Numbers (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
On Course Number of on-course operator days Record the number of working on-course days for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Each different day a licensed bookmaker or their representative works counts as one on-course operator day. For example, if a bookmaker works at 2 tracks on one day this counts as one on-course operator day, or if a bookmaker works at one track and his representative works at another track on the same day this counts as 2 on-course operator days.
On Course Trading results - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes betting on any activity not covered by the previous fields, such as betting on other on-course sports), where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
On Course Trading results - Horses (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
On Course Trading results - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
On Course Trading results - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
On Course Trading results - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Pool Betting Trading information - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total stakes placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total stakes placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Football (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total stakes placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity which includes betting on any activity not covered by the previous fields, such as betting on novelty events or other sports, where turnover is equal to the total stakes placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Pool Betting Trading information - Horses (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Football (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Total (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category – B (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category – C (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category – D (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category C and category D games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category C, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category – B (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category – C (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category – D (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Self Service Category - Football (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Self Service Category - Horses (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Self Service Category - Other (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Self Service Category - Total (GGY) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.

Betting (limited) - non-remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as range of markets) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period for this regulatory return.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement during the reporting period for this regulatory return.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your facilities, attempt to gamble, or actually gamble with you. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer is able to gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have placed a bet, including placing a bet using a self-service betting terminal, or completed a transaction over the counter. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Even if you do not know someone’s full personal details we expect that you will be able to identify them in some way.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
On Course Number of on-course operator days Record the number of working on-course days for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Each different day a licensed bookmaker or their representative works counts as one on-course operator day. For example, if a bookmaker works at 2 tracks on one day this counts as one on-course operator day, or if a bookmaker works at one track and his representative works at another track on the same day this counts as 2 on-course operator days.
On Course Trading results - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Other (Turnover) The turnover from other on course betting activities (betting on any on-course activity not covered by the previous fields), where turnover is equal to the total gross income (stakes) placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
On Course Trading results - Horses (Profit) The GGY from this on course betting activity.
On Course Trading results - Dogs (Profit) The GGY from this on course betting activity.
On Course Trading results - Other (Profit) The GGY from this on course betting activity.
On Course Trading results - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.

Betting intermediary - non-remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-lottery services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period for this regulatory return.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your facilities, attempt to gamble, or actually gambles with you. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer is able to gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have placed a bet with you. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Even if you do not know someone’s full personal details we expect that you will be able to identify them in some way.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Financial information Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) In order to calculate the GGY for a betting intermediary, the following formula should be used: A plus B, where
A = total amounts (exclusive of VAT) accrued in commission from customers for the period relating to this return, such as the amounts taken by you as a fee for facilitating bets between customers.
B = other accruals (exclusive of VAT) that are directly in connection with the gambling facilities provided.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.

Pool betting - non-remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the range of markets provided) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period for this regulatory return.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement during the reporting period for this regulatory return.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble, or actually gambles with you. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer is able to gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a gaming machine, electronic gaming terminal or self-service betting terminal, or completed a transaction over the counter. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Time and money limits Record the number of times when time and monetary thresholds are voluntarily set on all Category B gaming machines.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Off Course Trading results - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Football (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Numbers (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes lotto and bingo-style numbers betting and virtual sports such as virtual horse-racing), where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes betting on any activity not covered by the previous fields, such as betting on novelty events or other sports), where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Off Course Trading results - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Off Course Trading results - Horses (Profit) The Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Football (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Numbers (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off Course Trading results - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
On Course Trading results - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes betting on any activity not covered by the previous fields, such as betting on other on-course sports), where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during this regulatory period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
On Course Trading results - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
On Course Trading results - Horses (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
On Course Trading results - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
On Course Trading results - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
On Course Trading results - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Pool Betting Trading information - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Football (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity (which includes pool betting on any activity not covered by the previous fields, such as betting on novelty events or other sports), where turnover is equal to the total gross income placed on this activity during the period, such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted.
Pool Betting Trading information - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Pool Betting Trading information - Horses (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Football (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Total (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Pool Betting Trading information - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category – B (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B3 and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category – C (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category – D (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category C and category D games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category C, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category – B (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category – C (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category – D (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Self Service Category - Football (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Self Service Category - Horses (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Self Service Category - Other (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Self Service Category - Total (GGY) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.

Casino 1968

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as quality of food and beverage provisions) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period for this regulatory return.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the period for this regulatory return.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your premises, attempt to gamble, or actually gambles. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer has gambled and includes attempts to enter your premises. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a gaming machine or electronic gambling terminal, bought in at a gaming table or completed a transaction over the counter. This can include asking to load money on to a gaming machine. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling.
A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Casino information

Group Question Guidance
Casino Premises Was this casino address active during the return period? State whether gambling activity took place at the casino during the period covered by this return.
Casino Games Category - American Roulette (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - American Roulette (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - American Roulette (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Blackjack (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Blackjack (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Blackjack (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Punto Banco (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Punto Banco (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Punto Banco (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - 3 Card Poker (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - 3 Card Poker (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - 3 Card Poker (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Other (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for all other casino games offered over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Other (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for all other casino games offered over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Other (Win) Provide the total 'win' for all other casino games offered over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Total (Number of tables) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Drop) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Win) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Electronic gaming (Number of terminals) State the average number of terminals (not tables) provided for electronic gaming over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Electronic gaming (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for electronic gaming over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Electronic gaming (Win) Provide the total 'win' for electronic gaming over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Total (Number of terminals) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Drop) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Win) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category B - (Total number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category B - Total Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category B - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Poker Total registrations and participation fees (including any rake from the pot) The GGY attributable to this activity is the total of registrations and participation fees, including any rake from the pot.
Record the total GGY for the period covered by the return.
Poker Value of session fees taken from customers in respect of private games Enter the value of session fees charged for private games, for example peer-to-peer poker played on the premises but outside of organised tournaments or competitions.
Poker Value of prize money (paid out to customers at the premises) as a result of tournaments and competitions Enter the value of prizes paid as a result of tournaments or competitions.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Select ‘No’ if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
If you believe the calculation is incorrect please contact the Gambling Commission at regulatoryreturns@gamblingcommission.gov.uk to discuss the discrepancy prior to submission.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.
If discussed with the Commission please reference any advice given.

Casino 2005

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Gambling Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether or not you have made a contribution during the period relating to this regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.
Casino Premises Was this casino address active during the return period? State whether gambling activity took place at the casino during the period covered by this return.
Casino Premises What size is this casino? State whether this is a 'large' or 'small' casino.
Casino Premises Off course betting - Is off course betting undertaken within this 2005 act casino premises? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Answer 'yes' if the casino offers betting facilities.
Casino Premises Off course betting – Do you operate the off course betting within the casino premises? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Casino Premises Bingo - Is bingo undertaken within this 2005 act casino premises? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Answer 'yes' if the casino offers bingo facilities.
Casino Premises Bingo – Do you operate the bingo within the casino premises? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the quality of food and beverage provisions) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period.
Operational events Self exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the period for this regulatory return.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your facilities, attempt to gamble, or actually gambles. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer is able to gamble, and includes attempts to enter premises. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged.
For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a gaming machine, electronic gaming or bingo terminal or self-service betting terminal, bought in at a gaming table or completed a transaction over the counter. That transaction can include placing a bet or asking to load money on to a gaming machine. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling.
A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Time and money limits Record the number of times when time and monetary thresholds are voluntarily set on all Category B gaming machines.

Casino information

Group Question Guidance
Casino Games Category - American Roulette (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - American Roulette (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - American Roulette (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Blackjack (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Blackjack (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Blackjack (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Punto Banco (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Punto Banco (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Punto Banco (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - 3 Card Poker (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - 3 Card Poker (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - 3 Card Poker (Win) Provide the total 'win' for this activity over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Other (Number of tables) State the average number of tables provided for all other casino games offered over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Other (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for all other casino games offered over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Other (Win) Provide the total 'win' for all other casino games offered over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Total (Number of tables) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Drop) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Win) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Electronic gaming (Number of terminals) State the average number of terminals (not tables) provided for electronic gaming over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Electronic gaming (Drop) Provide the total 'drop' for electronic gaming over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Electronic gaming (Win) Provide the total 'win' for electronic gaming over the period covered by the return.
Casino Games Category - Total (Number of terminals) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Drop) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Games Category - Total (Win) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category B and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category B, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B Total Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Cabinets Cabinet category - B Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Poker Total registrations and participation fees (including any rake from the pot) The GGY attributable to this activity is the total of registrations and participation fees, including any rake from the pot.
Record the total GGY for the period covered by the return.
Poker Value of session fees taken from customers in respect of private games Enter the value of session fees charged for private games, for example peer-to-peer poker played on the premises but outside of organised tournaments or competitions.
Poker Value of prize money (paid out to customers at the premises) as a result of tournaments and competitions Enter the value of prizes paid as a result of tournaments or competitions.
Off-course Trading Results - Horses (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Off-course Trading Results - Dogs (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Off-course Trading Results - Football (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Off-course Trading Results - Numbers (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Off-course Trading Results - Other (Turnover) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Off-course Trading Results - Total (Turnover) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Off-course Trading Results - Horses (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off-course Trading Results - Dogs (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off-course Trading Results - Football (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off-course Trading Results - Numbers (Profit) Enter the GGY for this activity.
Off-course Trading Results - Other (Profit) The GGY attributable to this activity.
Off-course Trading Results - Total (Profit) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Casino Self-Service Betting Terminals Category - Football (GGY) Provide the GGY for bets taken on football, for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Casino Self-Service Betting Terminals Category - Horses (GGY) Provide the GGY for off-course horse bets for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Casino Self-Service Betting Terminals Category - Others (GGY) Provide the total GGY for all other betting activities for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Casino Self-Service Betting Terminals Category - Total GGY Calculated field – no user entry required.
Bingo Games Category - Main stage bingo games (Total gross sales) The amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined. This should include totals from Electronic Bingo Terminals (EBTs) attributable to this activity for the period covered by this return.
Bingo Games Category - Prize bingo (Total gross sales) The amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined. This should include totals from EBTs attributable to this activity for the period covered by this return.
Bingo Games Category - Mechanised cash bingo (Total gross sales) The amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined. This should include totals from EBTs attributable to this activity for the period covered by this return.
Bingo Games Category - Total (Total gross sales) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Bingo Games Category - Main stage bingo games (Total participation fees) The total participation fees or GGY retained from the gross sales attributed to this activity. This should also include total participation fees from main stage bingo activities played on EBTs for the period covered by this return.
Bingo Games Category - Prize bingo (Total participation fees) The total participation fees or GGY retained from the gross sales attributed to this activity. This should also include total participation fees from prize bingo activities played on EBTs for the period covered by this return.
Bingo Games Category - Mechanised cash bingo (Total participation fees) The total participation fees or GGY retained from the gross sales attributed to this activity. This should also include total participation fees from prize bingo activities played on EBTs for the period covered by this return.
Bingo Games Category - Total (Total participation fees) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Video Bingo Terminals (VBTs) Details of VBTs for the period applying to this return - Average number of terminals Provide the average number of VBTs over the period covered by this return. This should also include the average number (over the period covered by the return) of EBTs offering video bingo.
Video Bingo Terminals (VBTs) Details of VBTs for the period applying to this return - Gross profit Enter the gross profit value for VBTs over the period covered by this return. This should include total gross profit for video bingo played on casino EBTs.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Casino Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Off course betting GGY State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Bingo GGY State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return. This includes video bingo played on casino Electronic Bingo Terminals (EBTs).
Total Revenue GGY total for the return State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Estimated total revenue – Is the total GGY estimated? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Total Revenue Casino GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Off course betting GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Bingo GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Casino GGY State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Off course betting GGY State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Bingo GGY State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.

External Lottery Manager

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of charitable services not connected with the lottery) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period.
Operational events Self exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes (where applicable) will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 16 when challenged.
For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have purchased a lottery ticket including a scratchcard either in a shop or from a stand, on the doorstop, sending money by post, inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a lottery ticket vending machine, or from a website or by telephone. That transaction can include responding to a text message and purchasing a ticket via a mobile phone contract or via a mobile app. A person is unable to prove they are 16 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 16.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions.
You must set an upper limit on the value of lottery tickets which may be sold to a person, whether as part of a single transaction or over a period of time, without customer interaction. You must maintain records of all customer interaction pursuant to this limit.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes.
If you offer instant win or high frequency lotteries, please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Please refer to the LCCP code Customer interaction – society lottery requirements around customer interaction.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether or not you have made a contribution during the period relating to this regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them, please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return – only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter the details relating to the contribution.
Lotteries managed Do you currently manage lotteries on behalf of any societies? An External Lottery Manager (ELM) is someone that makes arrangements for a lottery on behalf of a society or local authority but is not a member, officer or employee. A person promotes a lottery in particular if they:
  • make arrangements for printing of tickets
  • make arrangements for the printing, publication and distribution of promotional material (which includes documentation that advertises, invites participation, contains information about how to participate, or lists winners, in a particular lottery)
  • make arrangements to advertise a lottery
  • invite an individual to participate in a lottery
  • sell or supply tickets
  • offer to sell or supply tickets
  • use premises for the purpose of allocating prizes or for any other purpose connected with the administration of a lottery.

  • Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Lotteries managed Name of lottery List the societies and local authorities that you have managed lotteries for during the period applying to this regulatory return. If you operate one or more branded lottery schemes (defined as a scheme whereby multiple societies promote lotteries under a common brand name or image, either on rotation with other societies or as a regular occurrence for that single society) record the names of all of the societies in those schemes.
Lotteries managed Organisation the society is registered with State the organisation the society is registered with. Note this should in most cases be the Commission. If you manage lotteries for societies that are registered with a local authority, state the name of that authority.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Licensed Lotteries Total non-remote lotteries managed (Gambling Commission lotteries, Local Authority lotteries) The total number of non-remote lottery draws you have managed on behalf of Commission licensed societies and local authorities. This includes all lotteries even if you have only managed part of that lottery (such as reconciliation of ticket sales or registration of players).
Licensed Lotteries Total non-remote sales (£) (Commission lotteries, Local Authority lotteries) The total value of non-remote lottery draws you have managed on behalf of Commission licensed societies and local authorities. This includes all lotteries even if you have only managed part of that lottery (such as reconciliation of ticket sales or registration of players).
Where you have made the arrangements for any part of the lottery you must only record the proportion of the proceeds of the lottery generated by your activity. For example, if you ‘made arrangements’ in respect of one aspect of the lottery campaign such as direct mail, you are only required to report the proceeds generated by that aspect of the lottery. You may have to obtain this information from the society.
Licensed Lotteries Total remote lotteries managed (Commission lotteries, Local Authority lotteries) The total number of remote lotteries you have managed on behalf of Commission licensed societies and local authorities. This includes all lotteries even if you have only managed part of that lottery.
Licensed Lotteries Total remote sales (£) (Commission lotteries, Local Authority lotteries) The total value of remote lotteries you have managed on behalf of Commission licensed societies and local authorities. This includes all lotteries even if you have only managed part of that lottery (such as reconciliation of ticket sales or registration of players).
Where you have made the arrangements for any part of the lottery you must only record the proportion of the proceeds of the lottery generated by your activity. For example, if you ‘made arrangements’ in respect of one aspect of the lottery campaign such as direct mail, you are only required to report the proceeds generated by that aspect of the lottery. You may have to obtain this information from the society.
External Lottery Manager (ELM) Management Fees Total ELM management fees (£) collected from Commission licensed society and local authority lotteries. A management fee is the fee you charge a society for the ELM services you have provided. If your arrangement with a society includes you paying out all prizes from that fee, you should record the amount after those prizes has been deducted.
Do not record any management fees charged to local-authority registered societies for small society lotteries.
Lottery Proceeds Raffle style (Remote proceeds, Non-Remote proceeds, Remote proceeds total) Provide the proceeds from this lottery type that you have managed, split by remote and non-remote sales, for Commission licensed lotteries only. You may have to obtain this information from the society.
Lottery Proceeds Subscription (Remote proceeds, Non-Remote proceeds, Remote proceeds total) Provide the proceeds from this lottery type that you have managed, split by remote and non-remote sales, for Commission licensed lotteries only. You may have to obtain this information from the society.
Lottery Proceeds Scratch card retail (Remote proceeds, Non-Remote proceeds, Remote proceeds total) Provide the proceeds from this lottery type that you have managed, split by remote and non-remote sales, for Commission licensed lotteries only. You may have to obtain this information from the society.
Lottery Proceeds Scratch card vending machine (Remote proceeds, Non-Remote proceeds, Total proceeds) Provide the proceeds from this lottery type that you have managed, for non-remote sales, for Commission licensed lotteries only. You may have to obtain this information from the society.
Lottery Proceeds Scratch card online (Remote proceeds, Non-Remote proceeds, Total proceeds) Provide the proceeds from this lottery type that you have managed, for remote sales, for Commission licensed lotteries only. You may have to obtain this information from the society.

Family Entertainment Centre

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-gambling services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives.
Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period.
Operational events Self exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period.
This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion Record the number of times you know a player has breached their self-exclusion agreement.
A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gain access to your facilities, attempt to gamble (for example, attempt to load credit onto a gaming machine), or actually gambles. It is not limited to occasions where a self-excluded customer is able to gamble and includes attempts to enter premises. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted indicators of gambling harm risks. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals included in the customer interaction log You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.
Premises Overview Total number of active premises Provide the total number of active premises (those offering a licensed activity) as at the end date of this return.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Prize Games Category - Prize games (Total Gross Sales) Record the turnover from prize games for the period covered by this return, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as the amount paid by the player, by way of stake and participation fee combined and before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted.
Prize Games Total - Prize games (Total Gross Sales) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Prize Games Category - Prize games (Total Participation Fees) Record the total participation fees retained from prize gaming gross sales activities for the period covered by this return.
Prize Games Total - Prize games (Total Participation Fees) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - C (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category D and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category C, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - D (Number of cabinets) Cabinets refer to the individual physical machine whether it contains one game or multiple games (of any category).
Where a cabinet contains games of more than one category, please report that as one cabinet at the highest category of game available on it. For example, where a cabinet offers both category D and category C games, this should be reported as one cabinet only at category C, under Number of Cabinets.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total number of cabinets (Number of cabinets) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Cabinets Cabinet category - C Gross Gambling Yield(GGY) The GGY attributable to category C machines content.
Cabinets Cabinet category - D (GGY) The GGY attributable to category D machines content.
Cabinets Cabinet category - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period If the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect, state the user-calculated GGY for the period covered by this regulatory return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY figures.

Gaming machines and software

Gambling software – ancillary, non-remote, remote and linked

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Gambling Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to this regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your RET contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Group Question Guidance
Income from gambling software supplied Income type - Total (Non-remote) Record the total income received for activities conducted in reliance on a Non-Remote Gambling Software licence, for the period related to the regulatory return.
Income obtained from activities reliant on other licences, such as a host licence or remote casino (or betting or bingo) licence, should be recorded in the appropriate return. No income should be reported twice. Additional guidance on activities permitted under the licence can be found at the following links:
Income from gambling software supplied Income type - Total (Remote) Record the total income received for activities conducted in reliance on a Remote Gambling Software licence, for the period related to the regulatory return.
Income obtained from activities reliant on other licences, such as a host licence or remote casino (or betting or bingo) licence, should be recorded in the appropriate return. Income obtained for software, which is developed for your own use only or supplied through a host licence, should be recorded in the appropriate return (remote casino, betting and bingo). No income should be reported twice. If no additional supply of gambling software is undertaken, the gambling software return should be reported as nil.
Additional guidance on activities permitted under the licence can be found at the following links:
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No). Select ‘No’ if the auto-calculated GGY (which is equivalent to your income from gambling software sales) is incorrect.
If you believe the calculation is incorrect please contact the Gambling Commission at regulatoryreturns@gamblingcommission.gov.uk to discuss the discrepancy prior to submission.
Total Revenue Actual GGY for the period State the user-calculated GGY (which is equivalent to your income from gambling software sales) for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in the auto-calculated and user-calculated GGY figures (which is equivalent to your income from gambling software sales).
If discussed with the Commission please reference any advice given.
Total Revenue Is the total GGY estimated? Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).

Gaming machine technical - supplier and full - non-remote, remote and linked

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Gambling Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether you have made a contribution during the period relating to this regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your RET contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return - only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Holders of GMT (Full) licences should use this section to record the number and value of new machines sold into the market (anywhere in the market).

Group Question Guidance
Manufacturing Details Category Total (Aggregate number of units sold) Record the number of units sold. The values recorded should reflect sales for the period related to the regulatory return. A gaming machine should be counted as one unit regardless of whether it is supplied with one game or several. For manufacturers, please record the number of new and second-hand machines sold in the 'Machine sales' section. Number of machines sold should be the number that you sold over the period relating to this regulatory return.
Manufacturing Details Category Total (Gross value of sales) Record the value of sales. The values recorded should reflect sales for the period related to this regulatory return. The gross value of sales is for gaming machines sales only.
Manufacturing Details Category Total (Gross value of software sales) Record details of the income received in this regulatory return period from additional gaming machine software supplied in reliance on the operating licence (which is not included in the previous 2 columns).

Holders of GMT (Supplier) licences should use this section to record the number and value of all machines sold to other suppliers (not to end users).

Group Question Guidance
Machine Distribution Details Unit Total (Aggregate number of units sold) Record the number of units sold. The values recorded should reflect sales for the period related to this regulatory return.
Please record the number of new and second-hand machines sold to other suppliers. Number of machines sold should be the number that you sold over the period of this regulatory return
A gaming machine should be counted as one unit regardless of whether it is supplied with one or more games.
Distribution Details Sales Total (Gross value of sales) Record the value of sales. The values recorded should reflect sales for the period related to this regulatory return. The gross value of sales is for gaming machines sales only. Please record gaming machine software gross value of sales separately.
Distribution Details Sales Total (Gross value of software sales) Record details of the income received in the period related to this regulatory return from gaming machine software supplied in reliance on the operating licence, which is not included in the ‘gross value of sales’ column.

Holders of GMT (Full or Suppliers) licences should use this section to record their own income from any machines on profit share and the numbers of machines involved.

Group Question Guidance
Machines Profit Share Venue - Total (Number of machines on profit share) Record the total number of gaming machines on profit share during the period covered by this regulatory return.
Machines Profit Share Venue - Total (Gross income) Record your share of the profits (your gross income from profit share arrangements) with all venues for gaming machines or software, for the period covered by this regulatory return.

Holders of GMT (Full or Supplier) licences should use this section to record the number of machines they have supplied on a lease or rental basis and the income.

Group Question Guidance
Machines Leased Venue - Total (Number of machines leased) For manufacturers, distributors and suppliers, record the total number of gaming machines supplied on a lease or rental agreement to all venues during this regulatory return period.
Machines Leased Venue - Total (Gross income) For manufacturers, distributors and suppliers, record the gross income received before tax from gaming machines supplied on a lease or rental agreement to all venues during this regulatory return period.

Holders of GMT (Full) licences should use this section to record the number of second-hand machines sold.

New machines sold should be recorded under Manufacturing Details.

Holders of GMT (Supplier) licences should use this section to record the number and value of all machines sold direct to end users.

Machines sold to other suppliers should be recorded under Machine Distribution Details.

Group Question Guidance
Machine Sales Venue - Total (Number of machines sold) Record the total number of machines sold to or for use in venues during this regulatory return period.
For manufacturers, please record the number of second-hand machines sold to end-users (venues).
For suppliers or distributors, please record the number of new and second-hand machines sold direct to end users (venues).
Machine Sales Venue - Total (Gross income) Record the gross income from the sale of machines to venues during this regulatory return period.
For manufacturers, please record the gross income from second-hand machines sold to end-users (venues).
For suppliers or distributors, please record the gross income from new and second-hand machines sold direct to end-users (venues).
Maintenance Sales and Kits Income from maintenance sales Record your gross income from machine maintenance during the period of this regulatory return.
Maintenance Sales and Kits Income from the sale of kits Record your gross income from the sale of kits during the period of this regulatory return.
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) total for the return Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY Non-remote revenue split Record the GGY equivalent, derived from non-remote activities undertaken in reliance on this operating licence, during the period of this return.
For the purposes of this return, GGY equivalent is the total income, before tax, derived from all activities undertaken in reliance of a non-remote gaming machine technical licence.
Total Revenue GGY total for remote split Record the GGY equivalent derived from all remote activities undertaken in reliance on this operating licence, during the period of this return.
For the purposes of this return, GGY equivalent is the total income, before tax, derived from all activities undertaken in reliance of a remote gaming machine technical licence.

Remote Casino, Betting and Bingo (RCBB)

Betting host (real and virtual)

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to ADR entity (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) This section is only applicable for full betting (real event and virtual) B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a betting host (real event and virtual) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether or not you have made a contribution during the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Past or future contributions Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question – please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution.
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
Non-GB total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Betting real events Horses - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Dogs - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Football - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Golf - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Tennis - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Cricket - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Other - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting real events Combined totals - Revenue share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2B: Betting virtual events Betting - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting virtual events Combined totals - Revenue share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Betting - Real events revenue share (all Non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB total Betting - Virtual events revenue share (all Non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all Non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements If you hold a betting host (real or virtual events) licence, this should always be 'no'.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting from football, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from football betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from football betting which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting from activities other than football, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from all types of betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from in-play betting (less football betting) which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Non-GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Non-GB State the user-calculated Non-GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Betting intermediary - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts Record the total funds held in customer accounts on the last day of the reporting period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities Record the total number of accounts that have been used by customers to gamble on Commission licensed activities in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Do not include suspended or dormant accounts.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations Record the number of new account registrations made in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the broadcasting of sports events) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) Disputes are complaints made about the customer's gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator's complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period, for GB customers only.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) Provide information regarding the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period, for GB customers only. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts which must be recorded separately below. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) Record the number of times you know a player has breached (or attempted to breach) their self-exclusion, for GB customers only. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble or actually gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) Record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged, for GB customers only. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have set up and credited an online gambling account and allocated funds to gamble. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged. Do not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18 or over.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) Record the total number of incidents logged for the period relating to the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. Do not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please find a link to the Commission’s Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) Record the number of customers who have opted to block access to some, but not all gambling products during the reporting period, for GB customers only. For example, a customer may block access to casino games but wishes to continue placing sports bets. Do not include self-exclusions. If the operator does not offer the option to exclude by product, leave this section blank.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) Record the number of customers who have used timeouts (LCCP Social Responsibility Code Provision 3.3.4) during the reporting period, for GB customers only. Do not include self-exclusions.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) Record the number of times that customers have set time or money limits in the period relating to the regulatory return by GB customers only. One player setting 3 limits in the reporting period or 3 players each setting one limit should both be recorded as 3. Do not record the removal of a limit or customers setting ‘no limit’.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution in this regulatory quarter.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question – please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as zero (‘0’).
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
General: Betting Intermediaries Horses – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as Gross Gambling Yield (GGY)-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Dogs – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as GGY-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Football – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as GGY-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Golf – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as GGY-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Tennis – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as GGY-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Cricket – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as GGY-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Others – Commission (GB only) The commission (such as GGY-equivalent) received attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Intermediaries Combined totals – Commission (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Betting intermediary commission (all non-GB) The commission attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Horses – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Dogs – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Football – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Golf – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Tennis – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Cricket – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Others – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Intermediary Combined totals – Revenue share (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Betting intermediary revenue share (all non-GB) The commission attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2C entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you had a direct relationship with the end customer.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Horses – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Dogs – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Football – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Golf – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Tennis – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Cricket – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Others – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Intermediary Combined totals – Revenue share (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Betting intermediary revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (the amount you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B), for non-GB only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting from football, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from football betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from football betting which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, from activities other than football, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from all types of betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from in-play betting (less football betting) which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Non-GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Non-GB State the user-calculated non-GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Betting intermediary (trading rooms only) - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-gambling services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, complaints referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period, for GB customers only.
Operational events Self exclusions made during this return period (GB) Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) Record the number of times you know a player has breached (or attempted to breach) their self-exclusion agreement. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble (for example attempts to set up, access or credit a gambling account) or actually gambles. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have set up and credited an online gambling account and allocated funds to gamble. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged. Do not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18 or over.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) Record the total number of incidents logged for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling A customer interaction is initiated by the operator and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. Do not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please find a link to the Commission’s Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators and the Customer Interaction guidance for premises-based operators.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as zero (‘0’).
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your RET contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.
Premises Overview Total number of active premises Provide the total number of active premises (those offering a licensed activity) as at the end date of this return.

Bingo (operating) - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts Record the total funds held in customer accounts on the last day of the reporting period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities Record the total number of accounts that have been used by customers to gamble on Commission licensed activities in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Do not include suspended or dormant accounts.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations Record the number of new account registrations made in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-gambling services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, complaints referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) Disputes are complaints made about the customer's gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator's complaints procedure.
Record the number of disputes that you are aware have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period, for GB customers only.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) Provide information regarding the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period, for GB customers only. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts which must be recorded separately below. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) Record the number of times you know a player has breached (or attempted to breach) their self-exclusion, for GB customers only. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble or actually gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) Record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged, for GB customers only. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have set up and credited an online gambling account and allocated funds to gamble. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged. Do not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18 or over.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) Record the total number of incidents logged for the period relating to the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. Do not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please find a link to the Commission’s Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) Record the number of customers who have opted to block access to some, but not all gambling products during the reporting period, for GB customers only. For example, a customer may block access to casino games but wishes to continue placing sports bets. Do not include self-exclusions. If the operator does not offer the option to exclude by product, leave this section blank.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) Record the number of customers who have used timeouts (LCCP Social Responsibility Code Provision 3.3.4) during the reporting period, for GB customers only. Do not include self-exclusions.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) Record the number of times that customers have set time or money limits in the period relating to the regulatory return by GB customers only. One player setting 3 limits in the reporting period or 3 players each setting one limit should both be recorded as 3. Do not record the removal of a limit or customers setting ‘no limit’.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question – please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as zero (‘0’).
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
General: Bingo Bingo – Turnover (GB only) For a full definition of turnover, see the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance. Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes or fees, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Bingo Bingo – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (GB only) For a full definition of GGY, see the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance. The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Bingo Combined totals - Turnover (GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Bingo Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Bingo turnover (all non-GB) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes or fees, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Bingo GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all bingo activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity in a revenue share agreement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Bingo Bingo - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Bingo Combined totals - Revenue share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Bingo revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2C entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you had a direct relationship with the end customer.
B2C: Bingo Bingo – Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes or fees, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Bingo Bingo – GGY (GB Only) The Payout total for bingo activities, for GB customers only.
B2C: Bingo Bingo - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Bingo Combined totals - Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Bingo Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Bingo Combined totals - Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Bingo turnover (all non-GB) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes or fees, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Bingo GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all bingo activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Bingo revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) This section is not applicable for bingo (game host) licence holders so if required to submit a value, please add zero ('0') in this field.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY This section is not applicable for bingo (game host) licence holders so if required to submit a value, please add zero ('0') in this field.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Non-GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Non-GB State the user-calculated non-GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Bingo (game host) - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Of which, complaints referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) This section is only applicable for full bingo B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (bingo) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question - please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution.
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2B: Bingo Bingo - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Bingo Combined totals - Revenue share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Bingo - Revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements If you hold a bingo host licence, this should always be 'no'.
Non-GB total Bingo turnover (all non-GB) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes or fees before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Bingo GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all bingo activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Bingo revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) This section is not applicable for bingo (game host) licence holders so if required to submit a value, please add zero ('0') in this field.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY This section is not applicable for bingo (game host) licence holders so if required to submit a value, please add zero ('0') in this field.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Non-GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Non-GB State the user-calculated non-GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Casino (operating) - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts Record the total funds held in customer accounts on the last day of the reporting period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities Record the total number of accounts that have been used by customers to gamble on Commission licensed activities in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Do not include suspended or dormant accounts.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations Record the number of new account registrations made in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-lottery services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) Disputes are complaints made about the customer's gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator's complaints procedure.
Record the number of disputes that you are aware have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period, for GB customers only.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) Provide information regarding the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period, for GB customers only. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts which must be recorded separately below. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) Record the number of times you know a player has breached (or attempted to breach) their self-exclusion, for GB customers only. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble or actually gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) Record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged, for GB customers only. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have set up and credited an online gambling account and allocated funds to gamble. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged. Do not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18 or over.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) Record the total number of incidents logged for the period relating to the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. Do not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please find a link to the Commission’s Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) Record the number of customers who have opted to block access to some, but not all gambling products during the reporting period, for GB customers only. For example, a customer may block access to casino games but wishes to continue placing sports bets. Do not include self-exclusions. If the operator does not offer the option to exclude by product, leave this section blank.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) Record the number of customers who have used timeouts (LCCP Social Responsibility Code Provision 3.3.4) during the reporting period, for GB customers only. Do not include self-exclusions.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) Record the number of times that customers have set time or money limits in the period relating to the regulatory return by GB customers only. One player setting 3 limits in the reporting period or 3 players each setting one limit should both be recorded as 3. Do not record the removal of a limit or customers setting ‘no limit’.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question – please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution.
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
General: Casino Roulette – Turnover (GB only) For a full definition of turnover, see the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance. Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Roulette – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (GB only) For a full definition of GGY, see the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance. The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Blackjack – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Blackjack – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Slots – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included in this field.
General: Casino Slots – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included in this field.
General: Casino Other – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Other – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Peer to Peer – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Peer to Peer – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Casino Combined totals – Turnover (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Casino Combined totals – GGY (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Poker Poker (Peer to Peer) – Total Rake (GB only) Provide the total rake (the commission fee taken for operating a peer-to-peer poker game) for peer-to-peer poker, for GB customers.
General: Poker Combined totals – Total Rake (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Casino turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all casino activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Casino GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all casino activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Poker rake (all non-GB) Provide the total rake (the commission fee taken for operating a peer-to-peer poker game) for peer-to-peer poker, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Casino Roulette – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Blackjack – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Slots – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included in this field.
B2B: Casino Other – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Peer to Peer – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Combined totals – Revenue share (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2B: Poker Poker (Peer to Peer) - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Poker Combined totals - Revenue share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2C entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you had a direct relationship with the end customer.
B2C: Casino Roulette – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Roulette – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Roulette – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Blackjack – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Blackjack – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Blackjack – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Slots – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included this field.
B2C: Casino Slots – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included this field.
B2C: Casino Slots – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included this field.
B2C: Casino Other – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Other – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Other – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Peer to Peer – Turnover (GB only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Peer to Peer – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Peer to Peer – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Combined totals – Turnover (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Casino Combined totals – GGY (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Casino Combined totals – Revenue share (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Poker Poker (Peer to Peer) – Total rake (GB Only) Provide the total rake (the commission fee taken for operating a peer-to-peer poker game) for peer-to-peer poker, for GB customers.
B2C: Poker Combined totals - Total rake (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Casino turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all casino activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Casino GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all casino activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Casino revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Poker rake (all non-GB) Provide the total rake (the commission fee taken for operating a peer-to-peer poker game) for peer-to-peer poker, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) This section is not applicable for bingo (game host) licence holders so if required to submit a value, please add zero ('0') in this field.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY This section is not applicable for bingo (game host) licence holders so if required to submit a value, please add zero ('0') in this field.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Non-GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Non-GB State the user-calculated non-GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Casino (game host) - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) This section is only applicable for full casino B2C operating licensees. If you hold only a game host (casino) licence, please enter 0 in this field.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question - please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution.
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Only enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity hosting platforms or networks in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Casino Roulette – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Blackjack – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Slots – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included in this field.
B2B: Casino Other – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Peer to Peer – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Casino Combined totals – Revenue share (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2B: Poker Poker (Peer to Peer) - Revenue share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Poker Combined totals - Revenue share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Casino revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2C entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you had a direct relationship with the end customer.
B2C: Casino Roulette – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Roulette – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Roulette – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Blackjack – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Blackjack – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Blackjack – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Slots – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included this field.
B2C: Casino Slots – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included this field.
B2C: Casino Slots – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only. Slingo products should be considered as slots and included this field.
B2C: Casino Other – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Other – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Other – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Peer to Peer – Turnover (GB only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Peer to Peer – GGY (GB only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Peer to Peer – Revenue share (GB only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Casino Combined totals – Turnover (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Casino Combined totals – GGY (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Casino Combined totals – Revenue share (GB only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Poker Poker (Peer to Peer) – Total rake (GB Only) Provide the total rake (the commission fee taken for operating a peer-to-peer poker game) for peer-to-peer poker, for GB customers.
B2C: Poker Combined totals - Total rake (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Casino turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all casino activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Casino GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all casino activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Casino revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B), for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Poker total rake (all non-GB) Provide the total rake (the commission fee taken for operating a peer-to-peer poker game) for peer-to-peer poker, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from football betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from football betting which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from all types of betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from in-play betting (less football betting) which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting In-play betting - Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Non-GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Non-GB State the user-calculated non-GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – Total Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

General betting standard (real and virtual events) - remote and general betting (limited) - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts Record the total funds held in customer accounts on the last day of the reporting period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities Record the total number of accounts that have been used by customers to gamble on Commission licensed activities in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Do not include suspended or dormant accounts.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations Record the number of new account registrations made in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the broadcasting of sports events) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) Disputes are complaints made about the customer's gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator's complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period, for GB customers only.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) Provide information regarding the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period, for GB customers only. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts which must be recorded separately below. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) Record the number of times you know a player has breached (or attempted to breach) their self-exclusion, for GB customers only. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble or actually gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) Record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged, for GB customers only. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have set up and credited an online gambling account and allocated funds to gamble. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged. Do not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18 or over.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) Record the total number of incidents logged for the period relating to the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. Do not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please find a link to the Commission’s Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) Record the number of customers who have opted to block access to some, but not all gambling products during the reporting period, for GB customers only. For example, a customer may block access to casino games but wishes to continue placing sports bets. Do not include self-exclusions. If the operator does not offer the option to exclude by product, leave this section blank.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) Record the number of customers who have used timeouts (LCCP Social Responsibility Code Provision 3.3.4) during the reporting period, for GB customers only. Do not include self-exclusions.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) Record the number of times that customers have set time or money limits in the period relating to the regulatory return by GB customers only. One player setting 3 limits in the reporting period or 3 players each setting one limit should both be recorded as 3. Do not record the removal of a limit or customers setting ‘no limit’.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question – please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution.
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
General: Betting Real Events Horses - Turnover (GB Only) For a full definition of turnover, see the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance. Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Horses – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (GB Only) For a full definition of GGY, see the list of common terms and definitions used in this guidance. The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Dogs - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Dogs – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Football - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Football – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Golf - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Golf – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Tennis - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Tennis – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Cricket - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Cricket – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Other - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Other – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Real Events Combined totals - Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Betting Real Events Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Betting Virtual Events Betting - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Virtual Events Betting - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Betting Virtual Events Combined totals - Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Betting Virtual Events Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Betting - Real Events Turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all Betting Real Events activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting - Real Events GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all Betting Real Events activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Virtual Events Turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all Betting Virtual Events activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Virtual Events GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all Betting Virtual Events activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Betting Real Events Horses - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Dogs - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Football - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Golf - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Tennis - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Cricket - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Other - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Real Events Combined totals - Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2B: Betting Virtual Events Betting - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Betting Virtual Events Combined totals - Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Betting - Real Events Revenue (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Virtual Events Turnover (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2C entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you had a direct relationship with the end customer.
B2C: Betting Real Events Horses - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Horses - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Horses - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Dogs - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Dogs - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Dogs - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Football - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Football - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Football - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Golf - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Golf - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Golf - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Tennis - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Tennis - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Tennis - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Cricket - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Cricket - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Cricket - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Other - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Other - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Other - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Real Events Combined totals - Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Betting Real Events Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Betting Real Events Combined totals - Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Betting Virtual Events Betting - Turnover (GB Only) Provide the turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Virtual Events Betting - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Virtual Events Betting - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Betting Virtual Events Combined totals - Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Betting Virtual Events Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Betting Virtual Events Combined totals - Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Betting - Real Events Turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all Betting Real Events activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting - Real Events GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all Betting Real Events activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Real Events Revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Virtual Events Turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all Betting Real Events activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Virtual Events GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all Betting Virtual Events activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Betting – Virtual Events Revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from football betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from football betting which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from all types of betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from in-play betting (less football betting) which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - eSports betting

Group Question Guidance
eSports Betting eSports Revenue - Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to eSports betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from Other betting types in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from eSports betting which is contained within your Other betting type entries.
eSports Betting eSports Revenue – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Pool betting - remote

Operational information

Group Question Guidance
Account and registrations Funds held in customer accounts Record the total funds held in customer accounts on the last day of the reporting period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Account and registrations Total number of active accounts for Gambling Commission licensed activities Record the total number of accounts that have been used by customers to gamble on Commission licensed activities in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Do not include suspended or dormant accounts.
Account and registrations Number of new registrations Record the number of new account registrations made in the 3 month period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only.
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator (GB) Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to commercial issues (such as the provision of non-gambling services) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator. Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity (GB) Disputes are complaints made about the customer's gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator's complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period, for GB customers only.
Operational events Self-exclusions made during the period (GB) Provide information regarding the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period, for GB customers only. This must not include restrictions made on individual products or timeouts which must be recorded separately below. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events Known breaches of self-exclusion (GB) Record the number of times you know a player has breached (or attempted to breach) their self-exclusion, for GB customers only. A player breaches their self-exclusion when they attempt to gamble or actually gamble. This should include any breaches of either your own self-exclusion scheme or a multi-operator scheme.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age (GB) Record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 18 when challenged, for GB customers only. For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have set up and credited an online gambling account and allocated funds to gamble. A person is unable to prove they are 18 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged. Do not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 18 or over.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log (GB) Record the total number of incidents logged for the period relating to the regulatory return, for GB customers only. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions. You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. Do not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes. Please find a link to the Commission’s Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Operational events Individuals in interaction (GB) You may carry out more than one customer interaction with each customer. Record the number of different people (customers) included in the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return.
Operational events Restrictions made on individual products (GB) Record the number of customers who have opted to block access to some, but not all gambling products during the reporting period, for GB customers only. For example, a customer may block access to casino games but wishes to continue placing sports bets. Do not include self-exclusions. If the operator does not offer the option to exclude by product, leave this section blank.
Operational events Timeouts (GB) Record the number of customers who have used timeouts (LCCP Social Responsibility Code Provision 3.3.4) during the reporting period, for GB customers only. Do not include self-exclusions.
Operational events Time and money limits (GB) Record the number of times that customers have set time or money limits in the period relating to the regulatory return by GB customers only. One player setting 3 limits in the reporting period or 3 players each setting one limit should both be recorded as 3. Do not record the removal of a limit or customers setting ‘no limit’.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (yes or no) to whether or not you have made a contribution.
Contributions Past or future contribution Only applicable if selected 'no' in previous question – please confirm if a contribution has been made following the payment of your most recent annual fee, or whether it is due to be paid before the next annual fee is due.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Only complete this section in the quarterly period that you make the contribution.
Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns. Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter details relating to the contribution.

Financial information

Financial information - General

Group Question Guidance
General: Remote Pool Betting Horses - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Horses – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Dogs - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Dogs – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Football - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Football – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Other - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or prizes have been deducted, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Other – GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
General: Remote Pool Betting Combined totals - Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
General: Remote Pool Betting Combined totals - GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Remote pool betting turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all Remote Pool Betting activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Remote pool betting GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all remote pool betting activity, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2B

Group Question Guidance
B2B: Revenue share B2B B2B Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2B entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you partnered with another licensee.
B2B: Remote Pool Betting Horses - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Remote Pool Betting Dogs - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Remote Pool Betting Football - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Remote Pool Betting Other - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for GB only.
B2B: Remote Pool Betting Combined totals – Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Remote Pool Betting revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - B2C

Group Question Guidance
B2C: Revenue share B2C B2C Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) obtained from revenue share agreements Enter 'yes' if you have acted as the B2C entity in a revenue share arrangement, such as where you had a direct relationship with the end customer.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Horses - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Horses - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Horses - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Dogs - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Dogs - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Dogs - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Football - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Football - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Football - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Other - Turnover (GB Only) The turnover attributable to this activity, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received, such as total stakes, before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Other - GGY (GB Only) The GGY attributable to this activity, for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Other - Revenue Share (GB Only) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount of revenue you have retained after revenue share has been paid to the licensed B2B) for GB customers only.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Combined totals – Turnover (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Combined totals – GGY (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
B2C: Remote Pool Betting Combined totals – Revenue Share (GB Only) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Remote Pool Betting Turnover (all non-GB) The turnover attributable to all Remote Pool Betting, where turnover is equal to the total gross income received such as before any operating costs or winnings have been deducted, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Remote Pool Betting GGY (all non-GB) The GGY attributable to all Remote Pool Betting, for non-GB customers only.
Non-GB Total Remote Pool Betting revenue share (all non-GB) The revenue share attributable to this activity (such as the amount your partnered licensee has paid you in revenue share), for non-GB only.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Turnover (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - GGY (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.
Non-GB Total Combined totals - Revenue share (all non-GB) Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - In-play betting

Group Question Guidance
In Play Betting Football in-play betting – Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from football betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from football betting which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting Other in-play betting – GGY Provide the total amount of GGY attributable to in-play betting, for GB customers only. You should have already reported the total amount of GGY from all types of betting in other sections of the return. Enter here the amount of the GGY from in-play betting (less football betting) which was generated from in-play.
In Play Betting In-play betting – Total GGY Calculated field - no user entry required.

Financial information - Total revenue

Group Question Guidance
Total Revenue Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) – GB Calculated field - no user entry required.
Total Revenue Is the calculated GGY previously stated correct? Enter 'no' if the auto-calculated GGY is incorrect.
Total Revenue User calculated GGY – GB State the user-calculated GB only GGY for the period covered by this return.
Total Revenue Reason for the difference Provide an explanation for the difference in auto- and user-calculated GGY.

Society Lottery

Operational information - Remote and non-remote

Group Question Guidance
Operational events Complaints logged by the operator Record the number of complaints that you have logged within the period covered by the regulatory return.
Our codes of practice require operators to log complaints made about any aspect of the conduct of the licensed activities, other than those that are resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints resolution procedure. This means that those complaints that are resolved very readily need not be recorded for the Gambling Commission. The number of complaints logged within the reporting period needs to be recorded irrespective of the outcome.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to the licensee about any aspect of the conduct of licensed activities. This means that complaints relating purely to non-gambling issues (such as the provision of charitable services not connected with the lottery) would not need to be logged, as they would not indicate a possible threat to the licensing objectives. Complaints logged may be directly about the outcome of the customer’s gambling or involve wider concerns about the way in which gambling is conducted by the operator.
Complaints can be expressed orally or in writing and may occur in person, over the telephone, by letter, by email, or via online support.
Operational events Of which, disputes referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity Disputes are complaints made about the customer’s gambling transaction and have not been resolved at the first stage of the operator’s complaints procedure.
Record the number of complaints that you are aware of that have not been resolved and have been referred to an ADR within the reporting period.
Operational events Self exclusions made during this return period Record the number of self-exclusions made during the regulatory return reporting period. This return is just in relation to your own self-exclusion scheme. Figures for participation in multi-operator schemes (where applicable) will be collected from the scheme administrator.
Operational events People who have gambled were unable to verify their age For the period relating to the regulatory return, you should record the number of people who, having gambled, were unable to prove they were 16 when challenged.
For the purposes of the regulatory return, a person has gambled once they have purchased a lottery ticket including a scratchcard either in a shop or from a stand, on the doorstop, sending money by post, inserted money into (or otherwise credited) a lottery ticket vending machine, or from a website or by telephone. That transaction can include responding to a text message and purchasing a ticket via a mobile phone contract or via a mobile app. A person is unable to prove they are 16 if they either provide identification which shows them to be underage, or do not provide any when challenged.
You should not include incidents where a customer is challenged before they have been able to gamble, and is refused service because they are unable to prove they are 16.
Operational events Incidents logged in customer interaction log Record the total number of incidents on the customer interaction log for the period relating to the regulatory return. Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include identifying and interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling. A customer interaction is initiated by the operator, and is prompted by indicators of gambling harm risks. You should keep records of all customer interactions.
You must set an upper limit on the value of lottery tickets which may be sold to a person, whether as part of a single transaction or over a period of time, without customer interaction. You must maintain records of all customer interaction pursuant to this limit.
You should only record here the number of customer interactions related to concerns that a customer’s behaviour may indicate gambling harm. You should not include general customer service communications, marketing, or requests for information for AML purposes.
If you offer instant win or high frequency lotteries, please read the Commission's Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators.
Please refer to the LCCP code Customer interaction – society for society lottery requirements around customer interaction.
Contributions Are contributions made? Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which are approved by the Commission, and which between them deliver or support research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harms, harm prevention approaches and treatment for those harmed by gambling (LCCP Code 3.1.1).
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No) to whether or not you have made a contribution during the period relating to this regulatory return.
Contributions Contributions made via trade body If you are a trade association or body member and your contribution was made through them, please select ‘Yes’. If you are not a member of a trade association or body member, or you are but that body does not make a contribution then select ‘No’.
Contributions Trade body Please state the name of the trade body that made the contribution on your behalf.
Contributions Value of contribution Record the value of your contribution. If you have apportioned your contribution across a number of sectors you should record the amount relevant to the licensed activity covered by the regulatory return. That is, if your business completes more than one regulatory return, your Research, Education Treatment (RET) contribution should be divided between the different sectors and recorded in the relevant returns.
Do not record the company’s total contribution in full on each regulatory return – only complete this section in the period that you make the contribution. In all other quarters this section should be marked as ‘No’.
Contributions Date of contribution Enter the date the contribution was made.
Contributions Details of contribution Enter the details relating to the contribution.
Managed by External Lottery Managers (ELMs) Do you use ELMs? An ELM makes arrangements for a lottery on behalf of a society or local authority but is not a member, officer or employee of the society or local authority. A society or local authority and an ELM must be separate entities and be able to demonstrate this.
An ELM must hold a lottery manager operating licence before they can promote a society or local authority lottery.
Select the appropriate option (Yes or No).
Managed by External Lottery Managers (ELMs) Name of ELM Record the names of all ELMs who have promoted a lottery on your behalf during the period related to the regulatory return.
Managed by External Lottery Managers (ELMs) Commission Licence Number Provide the licence number of the ELMs used to manage your lotteries.