Assessment of online games design changes
Gambling Commission report focusing on research conducted into the impact of the online gambling games design changes.
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Methodology and limitations
- Outcomes
- Reduced play intensity
- Consumer awareness
- Reduced binge gambling
- Gambling within consumer means
- Complaints
- Safer gambling measures
- Increased trust in gambling providers
- Reduced 'problem gambling' rates
- Assumptions
- Staking behaviour
- Session length
- Use of multiple tabs
- Games design
- Displacement to other games
- Time and position
- Loss chasing
- Displacement to other markets
- Inconvenience for gamblers
- Conclusions and next steps
- Appendices
Time and position
Reported awareness is high, though the rate has not changed since the game design changes were introduced.
One of the game design changes that was introduced was the requirement for consumers to be provided with more information to keep track of time and money spent on a session. This would be undermined if the information was insufficiently visible.
We asked past 12 month slot players to indicate their agreement with several statements on the Online Tracker Survey, relating to awareness of time and money spent per game. The reported awareness is high, although this rate has not changed since the slots game changes were introduced. As this question was put to those that reported playing slots games in the last 12 months, we cannot be certain whether respondents were reflecting on a slots session with the newly displayed information or prior to the introduction of the changes.
In addition, there have been no concerns highlighted throughout Gambling Commission activities regarding the visibility of the information on slots products.
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Loss chasing
Last updated: 8 June 2023
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