Assessment of online games design changes
Gambling Commission report focusing on research conducted into the impact of the online gambling games design changes.
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Methodology and limitations
- Outcomes
- Reduced play intensity
- Consumer awareness
- Reduced binge gambling
- Gambling within consumer means
- Complaints
- Safer gambling measures
- Increased trust in gambling providers
- Reduced 'problem gambling' rates
- Assumptions
- Staking behaviour
- Session length
- Use of multiple tabs
- Games design
- Displacement to other games
- Time and position
- Loss chasing
- Displacement to other markets
- Inconvenience for gamblers
- Conclusions and next steps
- Appendices
Methodology and limitations
- Methodology for key sources Information on the methodology for the key sources in the evaluating the changes to online game design report.
- Limitations Information on the limitations of the methodology in the evaluating the changes to online game design report.
Assessment of online games design changes - Introduction Next section
Assessment of online games design changes - Outcomes
Last updated: 8 June 2023
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