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Young People and Gambling 2024: Official statistics

Gambling Commission report produced by Ipsos on young people and their gambling behaviour, attitudes and awareness in 2024.


Reasons why young people gamble

For the purpose of this study 'gambling’ includes things like buying Lottery tickets, placing a private bet, playing cards for money and playing on fruit machines.

8 out of 10 young people (80 percent) who spent their own money gambling in the last 12 months, did so because they regard it as ‘fun’. This is by far the most common reason for active gambling. However, the prospect of winning money is a key driver for some young people. Over one third (37 percent) gambled because they felt they had a good chance of winning something (even if not a big prize); whilst another third (34 percent) indicated that they did so with the intention of winning money.

Around 3 out of 10 (33 percent) young people indicated their reason for gambling was the simplicity of the games they played. A similar proportion cited that it gave them something to do (29 percent). For more detail, please refer to as per Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1: Reasons why young people gamble

YPG 24 - Figure 7.1: Reasons why young people gamble

Figure 7.1 information

GC_SPENDWHY: Thinking about when you have spent your money on [gambling activity], why did you do this?
Base: All participants (answering) who spent their own money in the last 12 months on... (1,015)
Note: This is a multiple response questions, therefore answers do not sum to 100 percent.

Reasons why young people gamble
Reasons for gambling Percentage
(multiple response question, therefore, answers do not sum to 100 percent)
Because it is fun 80%
I have a good chance of winning something (even if not a big prize or jackpot)s 37%
To try to win money 34%
The games are simple to play 33%
It gives me something to do 29%
I have a chance to win a jackpot or big prize 29%
Because I like to take risks 23%
To get a buzz or because it is exciting 22%
Because it is cool 17%
It helps me or cheers me up when I feel down, nervous or in a bad mood 13%
It's something my parents or guardians do 10%
Money goes to good causes 10%
It is something my friends do or I do not want to feel left out 10%

The proportion of young people who said that gambling gave them something to do decreased from 35 percent in 2022 to 29 percent in 2024. However, the proportion of young people who said that they gamble to have a chance to win a jackpot or big prize increased from 24 percent in 2022 to 29 percent in 2024.

Table 7.1: Reasons why young people gamble in 2022, 2023 and 2024

Table 7.1 information

GC_SPENDWHY: Thinking about when you have spent your money on [gambling activity], why did you do this
Base: All participants (answering) who spent their own money in the last 12 months on... 2022 (789), 2023 (879), 2024 (1,015)
Note: This is a multiple response questions, therefore answers do not sum to 100 percent.

Table 7.1: Reasons why young people gamble in 2022, 2023 and 2024
Reasons for gambling 2022 (percentage)
(multiple response question, therefore, answers do not sum to 100 percent)
2023 (percentage)
(multiple response question, therefore, answers do not sum to 100 percent)
2024 (percentage)
(multiple response question, therefore, answers do not sum to 100 percent)
Statistical differences 2024 compared to 2022 Statistical differences 2024 compared to 2023
Because it is fun 78% 80% 80% No significant difference No significant difference
I have a good chance of winning something (even if not a big prize or jackpot) 34% 36% 37% No significant difference No significant difference
To try to win money 32% 34% 34% No significant difference No significant difference
The games are simple to play 34% 31% 33% No significant difference No significant difference
It gives me something to do 35% 30% 29% Significant decrease No significant difference
I have a chance to win a jackpot or big prize 24% 27% 29% Significant increase No significant difference
Because I like to take risks 23% 21% 23% No significant difference No significant difference
To get a buzz or because it is exciting 24% 22% 22% No significant difference No significant difference
Because it is cool 13% 13% 17% No significant difference No significant difference
It helps me or cheers me up when I feel down, nervous or in a bad mood 16% 15% 13% No significant difference No significant difference
It is something my parents or guardians do 10% 9% 10% No significant difference No significant difference
Money goes to good causes 10% 9% 10% No significant difference No significant difference
It is something my friends do or I do not want to feel left out 8% 9% 10% No significant difference No significant difference
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