Consultation response
Remote customer interaction: Consultation Response
This response document sets out our conclusions and actions in relation to the consultation around remote customer interaction.
- Summary
- Next steps
- Introduction
- Proposal 1 - Overall requirements and process
- Overall requirements and process
- Consultation questions on overall requirements and process
- Respondents’ views on overall requirements and process
- Our position on overall requirements and process
- Proposal 2 - Identifying customers at risk of harm
- Identifying customers at risk of harm
- Consultation questions on identifying customers at risk of harm
- Respondents’ views on identifying customers at risk of harm
- Our position on identifying customers at risk of harm
- Proposal 3 - Requirement to act
- Requirement to act
- Consultation questions on requirement to act
- Respondents’ views on requirement to act
- Our position on requirement to act
- Proposal 4 - Evaluation of effectiveness
- Evaluation of effectiveness
- Consultation questions on evaluation of effectiveness
- Respondents’ views on evaluation of effectiveness
- Our position on evaluation of effectiveness
- The LCCP provision
Evaluation of effectiveness
We proposed in the consultation to strengthen the existing requirement that operators’ must understand the impact of the interaction on the customer, as well as the effectiveness of the Licensee’s overall actions and approach.
Our formal guidance to remote operators already set out detailed information on how operators should assess the impact of their interaction on individual customers and adapt or amend their approach where necessary. In addition, we set out guidance on how the overall approach should be assessed, with cross-reference to the ABSG evaluation protocol.
We proposed a strengthening of LCCP, so that operators would be required to assess both the impact of their actions for individual customers and to assess the overall effectiveness of their approach.
Next sectionConsultation questions on evaluation of effectiveness
Last updated: 14 April 2022
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