Consultation response
Remote customer interaction: Consultation Response
This response document sets out our conclusions and actions in relation to the consultation around remote customer interaction.
- Summary
- Next steps
- Introduction
- Proposal 1 - Overall requirements and process
- Overall requirements and process
- Consultation questions on overall requirements and process
- Respondents’ views on overall requirements and process
- Our position on overall requirements and process
- Proposal 2 - Identifying customers at risk of harm
- Identifying customers at risk of harm
- Consultation questions on identifying customers at risk of harm
- Respondents’ views on identifying customers at risk of harm
- Our position on identifying customers at risk of harm
- Proposal 3 - Requirement to act
- Requirement to act
- Consultation questions on requirement to act
- Respondents’ views on requirement to act
- Our position on requirement to act
- Proposal 4 - Evaluation of effectiveness
- Evaluation of effectiveness
- Consultation questions on evaluation of effectiveness
- Respondents’ views on evaluation of effectiveness
- Our position on evaluation of effectiveness
- The LCCP provision
Next steps
The publication of these new requirements will result in some queries for implementation. We will ensure these queries are addressed in the new guidance to which operators will be required to take into account. Our guidance will be published by early June. The changes to our Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice and the new guidance for remote gambling operators will both come into effect on 12 September 2022.
We will consult on additional requirements to tackle three key risks, with set thresholds for action for each one:
- unaffordable binge gambling
- significant unaffordable losses over time
- failure to identify consumers who are particularly financially vulnerable.
In summary the new requirement and guidance for remote operators will come into effect in September 2022 and the existing requirement and guidance will remain in place until that time.
Documents affected
Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice:
- new Social Responsibility Code 3.4.3 for remote operators in effect from 12 September 2022
- existing Social Responsibility Code 3.4.1 will continue to apply to both remote and non-remote operators until 12 September 2022 and the existing guidance will also remain in place
- Social Responsibility code 3.4.1 will apply to non-remote operators only from 12 September 2022.
Customer interaction
- new Customer Interaction guidance for remote operators will be published by early June and will come into effect from 12 September 2022
- earlier Customer Interaction guidance for remote operator will remain in place until 12 September 2022.
Remote customer interaction - Summary Next section
Remote customer interaction - Introduction
Last updated: 14 April 2022
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