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Yonder Consulting ran a telephone survey each quarter from March 2015 through to March 2023. All fieldwork was conducted by the Yonder Data Solutions team. Fieldwork for each year was the full months of March, June, September and December to capture behaviour across a month. A random digital dial methodology was used, with a quota applied which required a balance of half to be interviewed on mobile phones and half on landlines to reflect the increasing use of mobile phones and decreasing use of landlines.

Each quarter a sample of 1,000 nationally representative of British adults aged 16 years and older was surveyed. Throughout the life of the project a total of 32,047 survey interviews were conducted. Demographic quotas of age, gender, region, social grade, taken a foreign holiday in the last 3 years, tenure, number of cars in the household and working status were used to ensure a nationally representative sample was achieved. Post-fieldwork weighting was applied to bring the sample into line with the population and data processing was conducted using Quantum.1

The purpose of the quarterly surveys was to track key trends including participation, mode of play, frequency of play, motivations and problem gambling.

Results in this report are displayed as rolling quarters. For example, Quarter 1 – March 2022 is based on June 2021, September 2021, December 2021 and March 2022 and then Quarter 2 June 2022 is based on September 2021, December 2021, March 2022 and June 2022.

Reporting of statistically significant trends (at 95 percent confidence) may be limited by small base sizes.

In the report we highlight significant differences to the average across the entire tracking period. A filled circle is used on charts next to data that is significantly higher than the average across the tracking period. A triangle outline is used on charts next to data that is significantly lower than the average across the tracking period. This information will also be included in the tables that contain the data represented in the chart.


1 Quantum is a software package and programming language for statistical survey data validation, manipulation and tabulation outputs.

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Gambling Behaviour 2015 to 2023: Quarterly telephone survey trends
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Gambling Behaviour 2015 to 2023: Gambling participation over time
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