Key Conclusions
While there are some variations in participation over the tracking period, there has not been a dramatic or sustained increase in overall gambling participation, with rates significantly higher in 2016 than in 2022 and 2023.
In-person gambling activity was significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and is yet to return to pre-pandemic levels, particularly for Lottery participation. Online has now replaced in-person as the most frequently used National Lottery purchase method, with only those aged 65 and over still most often opting for in person methods.
Online participation has continued its steady increase over the tracking period, with the older age groups experiencing the most significant increases in online participation. While men are more likely to gamble online than women, both genders have seen an increase in online participation across the tracking period.
The proportion agreeing that gambling is conducted fairly and can be trusted peaked at the beginning of the tracking period, then continued on a downwards trajectory with significant lows from Quarter 3 2019 to Q3 2020. It has remained relatively stable since.
The period from the end of 2020 saw the proportion of respondents classified as moderate risk and low risk gamblers significantly decrease. The proportion of respondents classified as problem gamblers peaked in Quarter 3 2016 and has remained relatively stable since.
Previous pageGambling Behaviour 2015 to 2023: Short Form PGSI individual statements
Last updated: 11 May 2023
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