Information requirements from licensing authorities
Details on the information that we require from licensing authorities.
- Overview
- Age verification test purchasing results
- Club gaming permits and club machine permits
- Information about gambling-related crime
- Licensing authority annual returns
- Licensing authority annual returns
- Glossary of terms
- Guidance on questions in licensing authority returns
- Licensing authority compliance events
- Local authority lotteries
- Other data and information
- Premises licences
- Small society lotteries
Local authority lotteries
A local authority lottery is a lottery run by a local authority to raise funds to cover anything for which it has the power to incur expenditure. For example, local community projects, arts centres or parks and leisure facilities.
To run a lottery, a local authority must have an operating licence issued by us. Some individuals in the authority may also need to hold a Personal Management Licence or complete an Annex A.
There are information requirements for holders of operating licences and personal management licences. These can be found in the lotteries sector guidance and what you need to tell us when you hold a personal licence.
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Other data and information
Last updated: 23 December 2022
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