The Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS) is a gambling-specialist Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Service. It adjudicates on disputes between licensed gambling operators and their customers.
Contact IBAS
Visit IBAS's website (opens in new tab).
Contact by post:
Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS)PO BOX 62639
Telephone: 020 7347 5883
Find call charges on GOV.UK (opens in new tab).
Fees charged by the ADR entity
The service is free of charge to consumers.
For traders, services are funded on annual registration fees.
Complaints can be submitted in English.
Sectors and categories
The sectors and categories of domestic and cross-border disputes which may be considered by the ADR entity are:
- Remote (all sectors)
- Adult Gaming Centre
- Betting
- Bingo
- Casinos
- Lotteries.
How the procedure can be carried out
The procedure can be conducted as both a verbal or written procedure.
Outcome of the ADR procedure
The outcome is non-binding.
Grounds for refusal
The ADR entity may refuse to deal with a dispute in the following circumstances:
- the consumer has not attempted to contact the gambling operator and resolve the matter directly with them, prior to submitting their complaint to the ADR entity
- the dispute is frivolous or vexatious
- the dispute is being, or has previously been considered, by another ADR entity
- the value of the claim falls below or above the monetary threshold set by the ADR entity
- the consumer has not submitted the complaint to the ADR entity within the time period specified by it, provided that such time period is not less than 12 months from the date upon which the gambling operator has given notice to the consumer that is unable to resolve the complaint with the consumer
- dealing with such a type of dispute would seriously impair the effective operation of the ADR entity.
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Last updated: 11 November 2022
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