People we are investigating/regulatory action
The Gambling Act requires that we undertake activities for the purposes of assessing compliance with the Act/ whether any offence has been committed under the Act/and to institute criminal proceedings.
We will use personal data in the course of conducting investigations (and deciding outcomes) into the activities of personal and operator licensees.
This information may also be relevant to our wider regulatory objectives and statutory functions. We may, for example, derive information from our investigations which help us improve our understanding of the gambling market and assessment of the risks it faces (and potential risks to consumers as a result), and to seek continuous improvements in the market and our regulation of it.
As mentioned above, we will also publish regulatory action we take following our investigations.
We will also be acting as a prosecutor in relation to certain gambling offences – where the relevant provisions of the LED (as implemented by the Data Protection Act) will be engaged.
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Complainant data
Last updated: 20 December 2021
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