Monitoring social media
We monitor publicly available social media data, using a commercially available automated social media monitoring tool which gathers information and monitors content about topics related to our functions through publicly available information on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
We currently use the social media analytics tool, Orlo.
What personal information we need
We may collect personal information of social media users if users:
- like or follow the Gambling Commission’s social media pages
- comment on or post about the Commission or related topics
- send a direct message to the Commission’s own social media channels in order to communicate directly with us.
The data gathered through tools may include social media handles and content from posts which are publicly available.
Our purpose and legal basis
Our legal basis for collecting this personal information is that it is necessary for the purposes of our or your legitimate interests to monitor public sentiment, pick up on developing trends and communicate with customers.
We do not actively collect special category personal data in our social media monitoring, but we may process such data in monitoring social media content where such data is included in social media posts. Special category data includes information about your health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, sex life or sexual orientation. Our lawful basis for processing this information is:
- the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest; and
- the processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject.
What we do with it
The data we obtain through social media monitoring is used to help us respond to posts and messages and to monitor overall engagement with our content as well as mentions of our organisation, and related topics.
Anonymised insight reports will be prepared for internal use and will generally use aggregated data. However, individual quotes may be captured as examples and used to describe the general attitude towards the Commission, gambling or related topics.
Data may have been subject to automated decision-making to identify it as falling within a search description or sentiment.
We do not have any influence on the scope of data that is collected by social networks through their sites. If you use them, you should check the policies of the relevant platforms to understand how they protect your data.
How long we keep it
We will from time to time retain identifiable information that is downloaded from our social media monitoring in order to compile reports. Reports will be deleted within one month of being downloaded. Personal data will be stored for a maximum of up to two years on our social media analytics tool and will then be deleted.
Data gathered by Orlo will be stored according to their protocols. Please review Orlo’s privacy notices (opens in new tab) to understand how it uses your personal data.
Who we share your personal information with
Orlo processes your publicly available personal information on our behalf. We have a contract in place with Orlo and they are required to comply with law, only act on our instructions, to not share it with others unless we give permission, and to keep your personal information secure.
Any personal information downloaded from monitoring tools onto our IT systems will be shared with our IT suppliers who provide email, and document management and storage services.
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Last updated: 28 March 2024
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