Gambling participation in 2019: behaviour, awareness and attitudes
A report providing an overview of consumer gambling behaviour in Great Britain in 2019
- Executive summary
- Preface
- Gambling participation
- Problem and at-risk gambling
- Online gambling behaviour
- Consumer analysis
- Self-exclusion and gambling management tools
- Information to players
- Terms and conditions
- Complaints
- Social media and advertising
- Social gaming
- Perceptions and attitudes
- Appendix – methodology
Consumer analysis
- Self-exclusion and gambling management tools A summary of the analysis of the online survey regarding self-exclusion and gambling management tools
- Information to players A summary of the analysis of the online survey regarding information to provided to players
- Terms and conditions A summary of the analysis of the online survey regarding terms and conditions
- Complaints A summary of the analysis of the online survey regarding complaints
- Social media and advertising A summary of the analysis of the online survey regarding social media and advertising
- Social gaming A summary of the analysis of the online survey regarding social gaming
Gambling participation in 2019: Online gambling behaviour Next section
Gambling participation in 2019: Perceptions and attitudes
Last updated: 22 February 2022
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