ABSG Progress Report on the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms – Year Two
ABSG - Year two Progress Report on the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms
- Executive summary
- Recommendations
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Background
- Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on partnership working
- Trends in gambling
- Gambling Act Review
- Online harms
- Delivery and governance
- Delivery and governance
- Progress involving people with lived experience of gambling harms.
- Mixed picture of national strategic co-ordination of implementation
- Metrics for measuring harm
- Evaluation of policy
- Funding
- Research
- Prevention and education
- Prevention and education
- Improved regulatory protections
- Suicide and gambling
- Improved profile of gambling harms as a public health issue
- Increased engagement from the financial services sector
- Gambling is not yet fully integrated with local public health activity
- Increased education and awareness raising activity
- Treatment and support
- Treatment and support
- Expansion of treatment and support services in new areas
- The evidence base for treatment is developing but incomplete
- Need for more integrated treatment services
- Clarification of referral pathways required
- Triage and completed treatments
- Lack of independent quality assurance
- Follow-up support
- Conclusions
- Annex 1: Priority Metrics for measurement of National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms
3 - Introduction
- 1 - Introduction Introduction to ABSG's report on the second year of the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms, including an overview of the aims, objectives and cross-cutting themes
- 2 - Background Background to ABSG's report on the second year of the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms including a timeline of key events over the past 2 years
- 3 - Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on partnership working Information on how the impact of Covid-19 affected partnership working, and how the ABSG recognises this and plans to move forward.
- 4 - Trends in gambling A closer look at the Gambling Commission’s monitoring of trends in gambling behaviour over the past year.
- 5 - Gambling Act Review How the Gambling Act Review can be used to place greater emphasis on prevention and significantly reducing gambling harms
- 6 - Online harms Online harms are being looked at closely, especially focused on the impact on children. ABSG’s advice called for the inclusion of gambling harms in this work.
ABSG RGH year 2 progress report - Recommendations Next section
ABSG RGH year 2 progress report - Delivery and governance
Last updated: 25 June 2021
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