1.Qualified persons and personal licences
2.Technical standards, equipment specifications, remote gambling equipment and gambling software
3.Peer to peer gaming, other networks and hosting
4.Protection of customer funds
6.Provision of credit by licensees and the use of credit cards
7.General ‘fair and open’ provisions
8.Display of licensed status
9.Types and rules of casino and other games
10.Tipping of casino employees
12.Anti-money laundering
13.Pool betting
14.Access to premises
15.Information requirements
16.Responsible placement of digital adverts
17.Customer identity verification
3.4.1 - Premises-based customer interaction
Applies to:
All non-remote licences (except non-remote lottery, gaming machine technical, gambling software and host licences); only the following remote licences – ancillary remote bingo, ancillary remote casino, ancillary remote betting, remote general betting limited, and remote betting intermediary (trading rooms only).
Compliance with these is a condition of licences; therefore any breach of them by an operator may lead the Commission to review the operator’s licence with a view to suspension, revocation or the imposition of a financial penalty and would also expose the operator to the risk of prosecution.
Licensees must interact with customers in a way which minimises the risk of customers experiencing harms associated with gambling. This must include:
- identifying customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling.
- interacting with customers who may be at risk of or experiencing harms associated with gambling.
- understanding the impact of the interaction on the customer, and the effectiveness of the Licensee’s actions and approach.
Licensees must take into account the Commission’s guidance on customer interaction.