Customer interaction guidance - for remote gambling licensees (Formal guidance under SR Code 3.4.3)
Customer interaction guidance for remote gambling licensees (Formal guidance under SR Code Provision 3.4.3).
- Introduction
- Section A - General requirements
- Section B - Identify
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 3
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 4
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 5
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 6
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 7
- Section C - Act
- Section C - Act - Requirement 8
- Section C - Act - Requirement 9
- Section C - Act - Requirement 10
- Section C - Act - Requirement 11
- Section D - Evaluate
Section B - Identify
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 3 Customer interaction guidance - Requirement 3 - Customers who are in a vulnerable situation are supported.
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 4 Customer interaction guidance - Requirement 4 - There are effective systems and processes to monitor all customer activity and identify harm.
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 5 Customer interaction guidance - Requirement 5 - Seven relevant categories of indicators that you must use to help identify gambling related harm.
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 6 Customer interaction guidance - Requirement 6 - Ensure that customers are given the same level of protection even where you contract with third parties.
- Section B - Identify - Requirement 7 Customer interaction guidance - Requirement 7 - The greater the harm identified the more important it is to take swift action.
Section A - General requirements - Customer interaction guidance for remote gambling licensees (SR Code 3.4.3) Next section
Section C - Act - Customer interaction guidance for remote gambling licensees (SR Code 3.4.3)
Last updated: 23 August 2023
Show updates to this content
Guidance updated following the 'Remote customer interaction - consultation on guidance'.