Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
Appendix 8 – Code of conduct for Commissioners
- Introduction What we expect from Commissioners and how the Code of Conduct reflects best practice and the Commission’s ways of working.
- The Seven Principles of Public Life These principles apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder.
- The role of the Chair The responsibilities and duties as Chair of the Commissioners.
- Responsibilities of Commissioners The responsibilities and duties as Commissioners.
- Individual Responsibilities of Commissioners Individual responsibilities Commissioners are expected to uphold, as members of a public body.
- Political activity The restrictions you face as a Commissioner in terms of engaging in political posts or roles.
- The role of the Chief Executive The responsibilities and duties of the Chief Executive of the Gambling Commission.
- Delegation The board may choose to delegate matters to individuals, a group of committee.
- Accountability and efficiency A summary of the measures in place for Commissioners to assess the accountability and efficiency of the Gambling Commission..
- Confidentiality The importance of confidentiality and potential outcomes for failure to follow this requirement.
- Information security The standards we expect Commissioners to adhere to regarding information security. This is based on public sector guidance which must be complied with.
- Openness and responsiveness The ways in which Commissioners must be open and responsive.
- Gambling and National Lottery play by Commissioners Restrictions for Commissioners regarding the restrictions on gambling and the National Lottery.
- Financial circumstances Commissioners must make sure the Chair is aware of any financial problems that may make them vulnerable.
- Visits to gambling premises The actions that must be taken by a Commissioner when visiting gambling premises, both in a public and private capacity.
- Gifts and hospitality Commissioners are expected to be compliant with the policy of accepting gifts and offers of hospitality.
- Third party invitations and services The steps to be taken when a Commissioner is invited to a third party event or service.
- Dealing with the media and speaking engagements When dealing with the media and attending speaking engagements, Commissioners must ensure that they have followed the appropriate steps.
- Social Media Commissioners must ensure that they respect confidentiality, financial, legal and personal information when engaging with social media.
- Conflicts of interest The actions that must be taken if there is an actual or perceived conflict with your role as a Commissioner.
- Private interests and public duty As a Commissioner you must uphold the principles of public life including making decisions that could affect the value of your private interests.
- Shareholdings As a Commissioner you cannot have shareholdings or trade in companies in the gambling industry. You must also consider whether third parties are a conflict of interest.
- Business interests and other employment As a Commissioner, you must ensure that your business interests and other employment do not cause an actual or potential conflict of interest.
- Political Activity As a Commissioner, you should be, and should be seen to be, politically impartial.
- Offers of employment Commissioners must ensure that they inform the Chair about any offers of employment related to the gambling industry in any capacity.
- Acceptance of employment after leaving the Commission The steps you, as a Commissioner, will need to take for accepting employment elsewhere after leaving the Gambling Commission.
- Exit requirements The actions Commissioners need to take when leaving office.
Appendix 7 – Financial regulations and delegations Next section
Appendix 9 – Audit and Risk Committee terms of reference
Last updated: 27 February 2023
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