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Corporate Governance Framework

Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.

  1. Contents
  2. Appendix 8 – Code of conduct for Commissioners
  3. Individual Responsibilities of Commissioners

Individual Responsibilities of Commissioners

13. Commissioners also have individual responsibilities as members of a public body:

  • comply at all times with this Code of Conduct which reflects the Code of Conduct for Board Members of Public Bodies3, and with the rules relating to the use of public funds and to conflicts of interest
  • act in good faith and in the best interests of the Commission
  • not misuse information gained in the course of their public service for personal gain or for political profit, nor seek to use the opportunity of public service to promote their private interests or those of connected persons or organisations
  • comply with the Commission’s rules on the acceptance of gifts and hospitality and of business appointments.

14. As a Board member, you should respect the principle of collective decision-making and corporate responsibility. This means that, once the Board has made a decision, you should support that decision.

15. You should treat Commission staff with courtesy and respect at all times. It is expected that staff will show you the same consideration in return.

16. Communications between Commissioners and the responsible Minister will normally be through the Chair, except where the Commissioners have agreed that another Board member should act on the Chair’s behalf.

17. However, as a Commissioner you can approach Ministers on any matter which you believe raises important issues relating to your duties as a Commissioner. In such cases, the agreement of the rest of the Board would usually be sought.

18. The legislation under which Commissioners are appointed (Schedule 4 to the Gambling Act 20054) allows the Secretary of State to remove any Commissioner from office if, in the Secretary of State’s opinion, a Commissioner is unable, unfit or unwilling to perform their functions.

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Responsibilities of Commissioners
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