What happens to your money if a gambling business goes bust
Money staked or deposited with a gambling business is not protected by the Commission or government the way that personal bank accounts are.
Any gambling business you make a bet with must tell you whether your money has any protection in case they were to go bust.
This guide will tell you about the three different ways a gambling business may treat your money, where to find this information, and what we require of gambling businesses. This should help you to make informed decisions on which gambling businesses to gamble with based on how they treat your money.
Next pageIt is important to note that although online gambling businesses licensed by us must keep customer funds in a separate account, there is no guarantee that this will ensure that customers get any of their money back if the business runs into financial difficulties. Those using gambling businesses do so at their own risk.
What we require of gambling businesses
Last updated: 5 October 2021
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Guide title changed to reflect the information involved More details on levels of protection and where consumers can find this information New guide page dedicated to the role of the Commission and what they require of gambling businesses