Guidance for submitting a proposal for Regulatory Settlement funding
Guidance around submitting a proposal for Regulatory Settlement funding including what Regulatory Settlement funds are and criteria for proposals.
If you disagree with the decision of the Executive Team, you can ask for a review within 28 days of the date the decision was communicated to you. Appeals for both stage one and stage two will be a paper-based process only.
Appeals of decisions at stage one will be resubmitted to a member of the Executive Team for review.
Appeals at Stage two of the process will be conducted by a panel of two Commissioners who have had no previous involvement with the application.
When you request a decision to go to appeal you must provide the following information:
- why you think the decision was wrong
- any points of clarification or answers to questions provided in the outcome letter
- new or additional information will not be reviewed.
In the outcome letter we will advise of the last date to submit an appeal. All appeals from a particular round will be submitted to the panel of Commissioners after the 28 days for appeals to be submitted and we will endeavour to review them within 28 days of the date stated in the letter.
For example, if an outcome letter is sent by the Commission on 30 September 2022, you will have until 28 October to appeal the decision. The Commission will wait for the deadline and send all appeals to either the Chair of the Responsibility Funds Group or the panel of two Commissioners for review (depending on which stage of the process you are at). Decisions will be communicated within 28 days of the closing date for appeals, in this example, by 25 November 2022.
Example dates are shown in the following table.
Decision point | Deadline date |
Outcome letter sent by Commission. | 30 September 2022 |
You must notify the Commission that you want to appeal the decision within 28 days of the outcome letter. | 28 October 2022 |
An outcome letter from the appeal will be sent within 28 days from the date appeals closed. | 25 November 2022 |
There may be times when we are unable to meet these deadlines, if this is the case, we will inform you as soon as we are able.
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What you can expect from the Gambling Commission when submitting a proposal
Last updated: 5 October 2023
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Replaced Social Responsibility Funds Group with the Executive Team.