Customer funds: segregation, disclosure to customers and reporting requirements
Customer funds: segregation, disclosure to customers and reporting requirements
Summary of all customer funds requirements
Requirement | Applies to |
Segregation of customer funds (LC 4.1.1) | Remote gambling operators except B2B and ancillary remote bingo or ancillary remote casino licences. |
Reporting events to the Commission (LC 15.2.2) Any change in an operator’s arrangements for the protection of customer funds (LC 15.2.2) |
All operators who hold customer funds. |
Disclosure to customers in terms and conditions (LC 4.2.1) | All operators who hold customer funds. |
Applying the customer funds rating system to information in terms and conditions (LC 4.2.1) | All operators who hold customer funds. |
Disclosure to customers at the point of deposit (LC 4.2.1) according to the customer funds rating system and requiring acknowledgement by the customer before proceeding |
All operators who hold customer funds. |
Disclosure to customers when changing the level of protection (LC 4.2.1) terms and conditions changes notified to customers and requiring acknowledgement by the customer at next deposit before proceeding |
All operators who hold customer funds. |
Reporting events to the Commission
Last updated: 25 July 2022
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