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Application to vary a personal licence - Guidance notes

Gambling Commission guidance notes to assist completing an application to vary a personal licence.

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction


Who should complete this form?

An individual who holds a personal licence issued under the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in new tab) and who wishes to apply to change and/or vary that licence by:

  • amending the name in which the licence is held
  • amending the sector for which you are licensed
  • adding, amending or removing an individual condition to the licence.

Do not use this form if you hold a Personal Functional Licence (PFL) and wish to change this to a Personal Management Licence (PML). Refer to Making changes to your personal licence on the Gambling Commission's website.

Introduction to the guidance notes

This guidance has been produced to help you complete the personal licence application to vary licence form (opens in new tab)

Read this document carefully before you attempt to answer any questions.

Should an incomplete form be submitted to the Commission (for example you fail to provide compulsory information) this will result in your request being delayed and may result in your request being refused.

If you submit a form with incorrect information, your application will still be processed but is more likely to be rejected. If you misrepresent, or fail to reveal, information that you are asked to provide, unless you have a reasonable excuse, you will have committed an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in new tab).

Please note, after receipt of your completed form, the Commission may still need to contact you for any further information we consider necessary in order to determine your request, for example, if information you provide is unclear.

Completing the application form

You must email the completed form to us at therefore:

  • write clearly within the boxes
  • complete all relevant sections in black ink only
  • use CAPITAL LETTERS, except when signing or providing an email address
  • leave a box space between words
  • mark with a cross (X) where a check box answer is required.

An example of completing the form is as follows:

A screenshot of part of the single machine application form completed in black ink, with capital letters apart from the email address which is case sensitive, with gaps between words such as the postcode and all writing within the boxes provided on the form. The questions completed for this example include Street - 'STANLEY ROAD', Postcode - 'LS2 7LY', Date of birth - '14021970', Cross (X) No or Yes - 'X' in No and Email -  ''.

If there is not enough space on the form to answer any of the questions, continue on a separate sheet making sure that you refer to the section and question number. You must date and sign each sheet.

Payment and submitting the application

For processing times, please see our page on licence application processing times.

Information about payment and submitting the application.

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Contents page
Next section
Section 1 - Existing licence identity
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