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Gambling Commission guidance notes to assist completing an application to vary a personal licence.
Published: 5 January 2023
Last updated: 5 January 2023
This version was printed or saved on: 16 September 2024
Online version:
An individual who holds a personal licence issued under the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in a new tab) and who wishes to apply to change and/or vary that licence by:
Do not use this form if you hold a Personal Functional Licence (PFL) and wish to change this to a Personal Management Licence (PML). Refer to Making changes to your personal licence on the Gambling Commission's website.
This guidance has been produced to help you complete the personal licence application to vary licence form (opens in a new tab)
personal licence application to vary licence form. Read this document carefully before you attempt to answer any questions.
Should an incomplete form be submitted to the Commission (for example you fail to provide compulsory information) this will result in your request being delayed and may result in your request being refused.
If you submit a form with incorrect information, your application will still be processed but is more likely to be rejected. If you misrepresent, or fail to reveal, information that you are asked to provide, unless you have a reasonable excuse, you will have committed an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in a new tab).
Please note, after receipt of your completed form, the Commission may still need to contact you for any further information we consider necessary in order to determine your request, for example, if information you provide is unclear.
You must email the completed form to us at therefore:
An example of completing the form is as follows:
If there is not enough space on the form to answer any of the questions, continue on a separate sheet making sure that you refer to the section and question number. You must date and sign each sheet.
For processing times, please see our page on licence application processing times.
Information about payment and submitting the application.
Q1. Please complete and provide details of the current (PFL or PML) licence held in the UK.
This section must be completed in all cases.
Provide the following details of the current Personal Functional Licence (PFL) or Personal Management Licence (PML) held in the United Kingdom (UK):
Q2. Please provide details of your new name and the reasons for the change.
Only answer this question if you have changed your name. This will not attract an administration fee.
Q3. Please provide details of the changes required by crossing (X) the appropriate box(es).
Only answer this question if you are currently licensed for a particular sector (non-remote gambling, remote gambling, or both non-remote and remote gambling) and wish to change the sector for which you are licensed.
Where you want to add a sector because you are currently licensed only to work in the non-remote sector or only to work in the remote sector and you want to work in both non-remote and remote sectors, then cross (X) the 'Add' box against the sector for which you are not currently licensed.
You can only be licensed to work in both the non-remote and remote sectors if you currently hold a Personal Management Licence (PML).
Where you want to change the sector in which you are licensed to work, cross (X) the 'Add' box against the sector for which you are not currently licensed and cross (X) the 'Remove' box against the sector you no longer require to be licensed to work in.
Where you want to remove a sector because you are currently licensed to work in both the non-remote and remote sectors, cross (X) the 'Remove' box against the sector you no longer require to be licensed to work in.
Q4. Please write out in full the condition you wish to add. If you wish to change an existing condition, please write out the new or amended condition in full in the appropriate box. Where you wish to remove a condition please cross (X) the remove box. In all cases please state your reasons for requesting the change.
Only answer this question if you wish to add, amend or remove a condition attached to the personal licence.
Write out the relevant condition in full. Indicate whether you wish to add the condition or remove it and state the reason for the addition or removal.
If you wish to change an existing condition, write it out in full and then in the 'Reason for change' section, write out the amended condition in full along with your reason for requesting the change.
This will attract a fee of 25 percent of the standard application fee.
This is the section where you certify that you have completed the form fully and honestly and that you will comply with the licensing objectives.
Please sign and date the form.
Any information or material sent to the Gambling Commission and which we record may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (opens in a new tab).
The Gambling Commission's privacy policy is available on our website. Whilst the Commission recognises that the information it requests and receives may be commercially sensitive information or personal data. The Commission will treat all such information as confidential and will only disclose that information where it is necessary to do so in order to carry out the Commission's functions or where the Commission is required by law to disclose the information.
As a public authority, the Commission must comply with the requirements of the Freedom on Information Act 2000 and must consider requests for information under the Act on a case by case basis. However, the Commission would not normally expect that the disclosure of commercially sensitive information to a potential competitor would be in the public interest.
Cross (X) the box to indicate which of the following enclosures have been attached along with your application form:
Please note, your existing personal licence is not required if your original licence was issued electronically or if you are notifying the Gambling Commission of convictions.
For all other changes, it is normally a condition of processing an application for a change and/or variation to a licence that you enclose the existing licence where it was issued as a printed copy. If you have not sone so, you must explain on a continuation page why you have not done so and sign and date this continuation page.
You must pay the fee by BACS transfer and you must make the payment on the same day you email the completed form to us.
When paying by BACS transfer, you must quote the licensee's account number and name with the payment details. This enables us to identify the payment as being for this application. All payments must be made in pounds sterling (GBP).
Payment by cheque is not accepted.
The Gambling Commission's bank details.
If the fee is not provided, the form is completed incorrectly or supporting documentation is missing, this will result in your application being delayed and may result in it being refused or returned.
You must email the completed form and enclosures to us at Do not post the form, we do not accept applications by post.
The form has been designed to obtain the information the Commission needs to determine whether the application for the variation of the personal licence can be granted.