Testing strategy for compliance with remote gambling and software technical standards
Requirements for the timing and procedures for the testing of remote gambling products.
Annex A - Major and minor game and software updates
An update that does not impact game fairness is referred to as a minor update and can be released without the need for external retesting. The Commission have adopted a high-level principles based approach to defining major and minor updates. These principles are supported by non-exhaustive examples of major and minor updates.
Licensees, in conjunction with their test houses, will be expected to use their own judgement as to those changes that do not affect game fairness.
Major change
High level principle
A major update, which will require external retesting by an approved test house, is any software change which may affect the fairness of a game. Fairness elements would include any change to the RNG, scaling and mapping, or game rules15 (including how the rules are processed by the software).
Non-exhaustive examples
Issue: Inefficient logging issues causing performance impact on the game and CPU due to load.
Fix: Amended how the game symbol arrays were constructed, allowing for faster game and reduced CPU load.
Although no rules were changed the software implementation of the rules has changed requiring independent testing.
Issue: Bonus round win calculation update for rarely encountered scenario.
Fix: Correct calculation in line with game design and stated rules.
This example represents an update required due to the incorrect rules implementation coding of the original release.
Minor change
High level principle
All updates which do not fall within the definition of major update, can be dealt with as minor updates.
Non-exhaustive examples
Issue: On iOS9 updates– The sound doesn’t play when spinning games when compared to iOS8 on Apple mobile devices.
Fix: Changes to the sound format to support iOS9 (this change only impacted the games sound files. None of the game logic/maths was impacted).
Display of game character hat colour and background graphics requires a change due to expiring IP rights.
Multiple minor issues in one update:
- display of bonus round on screen (nothing in relation to winnings)
- stake selection dialog in Firefox browser – not displaying fully
- URL to lobby for home button required adding
- button display on screen slightly out of alignment.
Fix: Most of these defects are visual issues with the game and nothing in regards to misleading players and or incorrect payouts and or maths changes etc
This example could easily fall into the major change definition; where doubt exists, consultation with the original test lab would be expected.
15 Game rules in this context refers to the underlying maths and design of the game – pay tables, symbol distribution, feature rules etc. Collectively the game rules determine the overall game RTP. Some might also call this the game logic. It is not meant to mean that a tweak to the game rules and artwork as presented to the player (for clarification purposes) constitutes a major change.
Testing strategy for compliance with remote gambling and software technical standards -Third party annual security audit
Last updated: 7 April 2022
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