Gambling participation and the prevalence of problem gambling survey: Experimental statistics stage
Gambling Commission report produced by NatCen on the experimental statistics stage of the gambling participation and the prevalence of problem gambling survey.
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Methodology and response
- Testing an alternative approach to the selection of participants within households
- Introduction
- Completion rates in responding households
- Adherence to participant-selection instructions
- Duplicate cases
- Household clustering
- Prevalence of gambling behaviours
- Conclusion
- Measuring gambling-related harms
- Testing different approaches to asking questions about gambling participation
For step 1, 21,953 addresses were sent an invitation to take part in the survey and a maximum of two or four adults (aged 18 years and over) were invited to take part. In total, 3,563 addresses were productive, yielding 5,275 individual responses.
In total, 44 percent of the responding unweighted sample were men and 56 percent were women. In terms of mode of questionnaire completion, 3,312 (63 percent) were completed online and 1,959 (37 percent) were completed on paper and posted back.
For step 2, invitation letters were sent to 14,982 addresses. In total, 3,549 adults in 2,405 addresses completed the survey. 45 percent of the responding unweighted sample were men and 55 percent were women. 2,228 (63 percent) were completed online and 1,315 (37 percent) were completed on paper and posted back. These are the same proportions found for the step 1 sample.
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Assessment of experiment results
Last updated: 18 April 2023
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