How to run a lottery or fundraiser
Lotteries, raffles and some competitions are forms of gambling so before you start organising, you should check if your fundraiser is classed as a lottery.
You'll also need to check if you need permission before you start selling tickets.
Activities that require a licence
You need a licence or registration to run an online lottery
This includes lotteries on social media and live-streaming platforms. You might want to consider other fundraising options if you don't want to register with your local authority or apply for a licence from us.
You also need a licence from us if you do any of the following:
- sell (or expect to sell) more than £20,000 in tickets from a single lottery or £250,000 in a calendar year
- sell tickets to members of the public outside of an event, private club, workplace, business or place of residence
- you're a local authority and plan to run a lottery or lotteries
- you're acting as an external lottery manager for a society that holds a licence with us.
When you need to register with your local authority
If you do any of the following you don't need a licence from us, but you'll need a registration from your local authority:
- sell less than £20,000 in tickets from a single lottery, or less than £250,000 in a calendar year
- you plan to sell tickets to the public in a lottery, or outside of an event, private club, workplace, business or place of residence.
When don't I need a licence?
You don’t need a licence or registration to run a lottery if you only take ticket payments face to face and do any of the following:
- sell physical tickets on a single set of physical premises that are residences, a workplace or a business
- sell physical tickets at an event
- sell physical tickets to guests at a private society or club, or to its members.
Next pageFind out more about the types of lottery you can run without a licence.
Promoting lotteries
Last updated: 12 July 2022
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