Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
Code of conduct for employees
- Introduction Introduction to the Gambling Commission's Code of conduct for employees
- General principles The general principles of the Gambling Commission's Code of conduct for employees.
- Gambling by employees A summary of gambling restrictions applicable to Gambling Commission employees.
- Confidentiality and conflicts of interest Rules regarding confidentiality and conflicts of interest for Gambling Commission employees.
- Appointments on leaving the Commission Rules on acceptance of outside appointments and reporting offers of employment for Gambling Commission employees.
- Gifts and hospitality Rules regarding gifts and hospitality for Gambling Commission employees.
- Political activities A summary of the rules regarding political activity for Gambling Commission employees.
- Relationships Rules around relationships between employees at the Gambling Commission.
- Alcohol and substance misuse Rules on alcohol and substance misuse for Gambling Commission employees.
- Smoking Rules on smoking for Gambling Commission employees.
- Dealing with the media Rules on dealing with the media for Gambling Commission employees.
- Use of Commission Information Systems Rules on the use of Commission Information Systems for Gambling Commission employees.
- Employee concerns about improper conduct Rules and guidance for Gambling Commission employees on reporting improper conduct.
- Compliance with this code All Gambling Commission employees are required to comply with the provisions outlined in the Employee Code of Conduct.
- Annex A: Summary of reporting requirements A summary of reporting requirements for Gambling Commission employees.
- Annex B: Insider dealing Information and rules on insider dealing for Gambling Commission employees.
Appendix 12 - National Lottery Regulation Scheme of delegation
Last updated: 27 February 2023
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