Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
General principles
5. The Commission expects the highest standards of behaviour from employees at work and in their personal lives where the Commission’s position might be affected. The general principles set out as follows apply to everyone who works with us. It is the responsibility of each individual to be aware of the standards of conduct expected of them and to apply this Code as a general guideline to their behaviour. However, we recognise that you may encounter particular personal circumstances that are not covered by the Code, or where the strict application of the Code may seem unreasonable. You should discuss any such circumstance with your manager in the first instance (or with the Human Resources team) and we will try to arrive at a solution which is fair and reasonable for you and the Commission.
You should conduct yourself in a frank and honest manner and maintain the Commission’s high standards of conduct, whether or not at work. You should treat all those you encounter, including colleagues, licensees and the public, courteously and follow the guidance in this Code and the Employee Handbook.
Personal and financial affairs
You should conduct your financial and other personal affairs in a frank and honest manner that does not leave you exposed to the risk of corruption or improper pressure. Major financial difficulties or changes of circumstances which might make you vulnerable, or appear vulnerable, to allegations of impropriety should be disclosed (in confidence) to the Head of Human Resources. In the event of financial difficulties, the Commission is able to offer access to external advice and support. Employees should not normally take steps to borrow money from, or lend to, other employees.
Working in the Commission involves access to sensitive and confidential information about individuals; about commercial organisations and their plans and about policy developments. You must ensure that such information is not used in any way directly or indirectly for your own benefit or for the benefit of any third party or disclosed to any person (whether Commission employees or otherwise) other than as required by law. This does not prevent an employee from exercising any of his or her other rights under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (opens in new tab) (see Public interest disclosure policy at Appendix 4).
While safeguarding information that should be kept confidential, you must remember that the Commission is committed to being open about the way in which decisions are reached and how our business is conducted. You must therefore take care to record and make available material to enable our stakeholders to understand our business.
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Gambling by employees
Last updated: 3 October 2024
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