Consultation response
Changes to information requirements in the LCCP, regulatory returns, official statistics, and related matters
Parts I and II of the consultation response that sets out our position in relation to the information the Gambling Commission requires licensees to provide us.
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Part 1: Summary of responses - Changes to information requirements for licensees: Consultation Response
- Proposal 1: Changes to licence condition 13.1.1 (Pool betting)
- Proposal 2: Changes to licence condition 13.1.2 (Pool betting – football pools)
- Proposal 3: Changes to licence condition 15.1.1 (reporting suspicion of offences)
- Proposal 4: Changes to licence condition 15.1.2 (reporting suspicion of offences)
- Proposal 5: Additional licence condition 15.1.3 (reporting of systematic or organised money lending)
- Proposal 6: Changes to licence condition 15.2.1 (reporting key events – operator status)
- Proposal 7: Changes to licence condition 15.2.1 (reporting key events – relevant persons and positions)
- Proposal 8: Changes to licence condition 15.2.1 (reporting key events – financial events)
- Proposal 9: Changes to licence condition 15.2.1 (reporting key events - legal or regulatory proceedings or reports)
- Proposal 10: Changes to licence condition 15.2.1 (reporting key events – gambling facilities)
- Proposal 11: Changes to licence condition 15.2.2 (other reportable events)
- Proposal 12: Additional licence condition 15.2.3 (Other reportable events)
- Proposal 13: Changes to licence condition 15.3.1 (general and regulatory returns)
- Proposal 14: Changes to code 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.5 and 3.2.7 (access to gambling by children and young persons)
- Proposal 15: Changes to social responsibility code provision 6.1.1 (complaints and disputes)
- Proposal 16: Changes to ordinary code provision 4.2.8 (betting integrity)
- Proposal 17: Changes to ordinary code provision 8.1.1 (information requirements – ordinary code)
- Proposal 18: Changes to personal licence conditions
- Part 2: Summary of responses - Changes to information requirements for licensees: Consultation Response
- Proposal 1: Reduce the amount of data we collect
- Proposal 2: Remove the requirement for licensees to report premise acquisitions and disposals
- Proposal 3: Remove the requirement for non-remote casino licenses to report data on a casino-by-casino basis
- Proposal 4: Remove the requirement for gambling software licence holders to report individual gambling software titles
- Proposal 5: Enhance the operational information section of regulatory returns with more consumer and safer gambling questions
- Proposal 6: Link the requirement for licensees to submit quarterly or annual returns to the aggregate maximum GGY permitted by all their licences
- Proposal 7: Improve our digital service for regulatory returns collection (eServices)
- Proposal 8: Proposal to discontinue collecting monthly non-remote casino drop and win data
- Proposal 9: Industry Statistics - review of user requirements
- Annex - Summary of changes to licence conditions and codes of practice
Proposal 2: Remove the requirement for licensees to report premise acquisitions and disposals
We require licensees to inform us of any gambling premises they have acquired or disposed of within regulatory returns, which is currently entered on an address-by-address basis. Instead, we will monitor acquisitions and disposals via improved liaison with premises licensing authorities (such as local authorities), with an option for us to build a new digital service allowing licensees to self-log and maintain lists of premises with us in the future.
Consultation question
Question 2.2. Do you agree with the proposal?
Respondents' views
Almost all respondents supported this proposal, commenting that a separate digital service for reporting acquisitions and disposals of premises was preferable over the current approach. However, concerns were expressed with the reliability of licensing authority data and the potential delay between us stopping to collect acquisitions and disposals via regulatory returns and the introduction of a replacement digital service for this topic.
Our position
Based on feedback from licensees, we have determined that regulatory returns are not a satisfactory system for data on acquisitions and disposals of individual premises at an address level.
Licensing authorities have a statutory obligation to maintain a register of premises licences issued by them and to report to us any premises licences granted (or rejected). We work closely with licensing authorities to obtain this data to maintain a national register of gambling premises. We also receive copies of licence applications and related matters (for example disposals, variations etc.) directly from licensees, which we use to update the register. Combined, these sources of data give us a robust data set to understand where licensed gambling takes place.
We will still collect total numbers of active premises from licensees and, where we identify that these differ from the number of premises attributed to them on the national premises register, we will contact relevant licensees to ask them to reconcile or correct their data.
We intend to keep this approach under review and, if we find that it is not working, we will include licensee-maintained premises lists within our future suite of digital services.
We will deactivate premise acquisitions and disposals within the regulatory returns’ component of eServices on 31 October 2020.
Proposal 1: Reduce the amount of data we collect Next section
Proposal 3: Remove the requirement for non-remote casino licenses to report data on a casino-by-casino basis
Last updated: 16 March 2023
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