Application to vary a personal licence - Guidance notes
Gambling Commission guidance notes to assist completing an application to vary a personal licence.
Section 3 - Change to sector
Question 3
Q3. Please provide details of the changes required by crossing (X) the appropriate box(es).
Only answer this question if you are currently licensed for a particular sector (non-remote gambling, remote gambling, or both non-remote and remote gambling) and wish to change the sector for which you are licensed.
Where you want to add a sector because you are currently licensed only to work in the non-remote sector or only to work in the remote sector and you want to work in both non-remote and remote sectors, then cross (X) the 'Add' box against the sector for which you are not currently licensed.
You can only be licensed to work in both the non-remote and remote sectors if you currently hold a Personal Management Licence (PML).
Where you want to change the sector in which you are licensed to work, cross (X) the 'Add' box against the sector for which you are not currently licensed and cross (X) the 'Remove' box against the sector you no longer require to be licensed to work in.
Where you want to remove a sector because you are currently licensed to work in both the non-remote and remote sectors, cross (X) the 'Remove' box against the sector you no longer require to be licensed to work in.
Previous sectionSection 2 - Change of name Next section
Section 4 - Change to individual conditions attached to a personal licence
Last updated: 5 January 2023
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