Offering bets on eSports
Electronic sports, also known as eSports, is playing computer games competitively. That may be two players against each other, or tournaments with hundreds of players.
Betting on eSports should be treated no differently as betting on any other live event.
There are additional risks associated with eSports events. These should be mitigated by event organisers and by your own commercial assessment of what bets to offer in this market.
Licences required
If you want to offer bets to GB consumers on eSports events you will need a betting licence.
The licence you will need will depend on the types of betting you want to offer and how you will offer them.
Read our Virtual currencies, eSports and social casino gaming position paper for more information about our approach to distinguishing between activities that do and do not need a licence.
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Last updated: 13 May 2021
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