OFSI and NCA Red Alert - Evasion Typologies
18 July 2022
The Gambling Commission would like to draw licensees’ attention to the ‘Red Alert’ on financial sanctions evasion typologies by Russian elites and enablers (PDF)(opens in new tab) issued by the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), Joint Money Laundering Intelligence Taskforce (JMLIT)+ Sanctions Facilitators Cell, law enforcement, private industry and regulators, and the National Crime Agency (NCA).
The purpose of the alert is to provide information from law enforcement and the legal and financial services sectors on some of the common techniques designated persons, and their United Kingdom (UK) enablers, are suspected to be using to evade financial sanctions.
The Commission urges licensees to review the alert and consider any changes to their money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment, as well as associated policies, procedures and controls.
Further information
For further information regarding sanction compliance, please see OFSI’s website (opens in new tab) and the Commission’s AML notices and updates page, including our update related to the important Russian sanctions update from the Gambling Commission issued previously.