Frozen assets reporting 2023
02 November 2023
Every year His Majesty's Treasury carries out a review of frozen assets to update its records and to capture any changes during the reporting period.
If you hold or control funds or economic resources belonging to, owned, held, or controlled by a designated person you are required to submit a report to the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) by Friday 10 November 2023 (opens in new tab).
Your report to OFSI should include:
- details of all funds or economic resources frozen in the UK
- details of all funds or economic resources frozen overseas, where these funds or economic resources are subject to UK financial sanctions legislation
- the value of all such assets as of close of business on Friday 29 September 2023.
All returns need to be made by completing the reporting form from the GOV.UK website (opens in new tab), and submitting to further information read the annual frozen asset review and reporting form guidance (opens in new tab).