Lotteries and the Gambling Act 2005
Guidance on lotteries and the Gambling Act 2005 for local authorities
- Introduction
- Definition of a lottery
- Definition of ‘prize’
- Definition of ‘society’
- Application and Duration
- Annual Fee
- Refusal of application
- Revocation of a small society’s registered status
- Appeals
- Cancellation
- Lottery Tickets
- Lottery Proceeds
- Lottery Prizes
- Administration and returns
- Lottery register
- Types of lottery that do not require a registration or licence (exempt lotteries)
- When is a lottery not a lottery?
- Common Problems
Revocation of a small society’s registered status
You may revoke the registration of a society for the same reasons you would refuse an application. Again, you must inform the society of the reasons why you are minded to revoke the registration and provide them with the evidence on which you have reached that preliminary conclusion.
You must ensure you have set out a scheme of delegation for the revocation of small society lottery registrations.
It is suggested you set out the process and principles for revoking registrations in your Statement of Principles. This would include such matters as the time limit within which representations can be made, the matters you will consider, and who will consider the representations and make the decision.
Previous sectionLotteries and the GA05: Refusal of application Next section
Lotteries and the GA05: Appeals
Last updated: 11 October 2021
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