LCCP Information requirements
Guidance for licence holders on the information requirements in the LCCP
14 - LCCP notifications (repeated attempts by children or young people to gamble)
This section provides guidance to holders of gambling operating licences (non-remote) on how to tell us about repeated attempts by children and young people to gamble on premises restricted to adults.
Ordinary code provision 3.2.2 (6)
Access to gambling by children and young persons – casinos ordinary code All non-remote casino licences
Procedures should be put into effect for dealing with cases where a child or young person repeatedly attempts to gamble on premises restricted to adults, including oral warnings, reporting the offence to the Gambling Commission and the police, and making available information on problem gambling.
Ordinary code provision 3.2.4 (4)
Access to gambling by children and young persons – AGC ordinary code
All adult gaming centre licences
Procedures should be put into effect for dealing with cases where a child or young person repeatedly attempts to gamble on premises restricted to adults, including oral warnings, reporting the offence to the Gambling Commission and the police, and making available information on problem gambling.
Ordinary code provision 3.2.6 (4)
Access to gambling by children and young persons – bingo and FEC ordinary code
All non-remote bingo and family entertainment centre licences
Procedures should be put into effect for dealing with cases where a child or young person repeatedly attempts to gamble on premises restricted to adults, including oral warnings, reporting the offence to the Gambling Commission and the police, and making available information on problem gambling.
Ordinary code provision 3.2.8 (4)
Access to gambling by children and young persons – betting ordinary code
All non-remote betting and remote betting intermediary (trading rooms only) licences
Procedures should be put into effect for dealing with cases where a child or young person repeatedly attempts to gamble on premises restricted to adults, including oral warnings, reporting the offence to the Gambling Commission and the police, and making available information on problem gambling.
Your company must tell us when a child or young person repeatedly attempts to gamble on premises restricted to adults.
A child means an individual who is less than 16 years old. A young person is an individual who is not a child but who is less than 18 years old.
You must give us this information as soon as reasonably possible.
When reporting these matters, you should include the following information:
- the trading name and address of the premise where the incidents occurred
- the type of premise where the incidents occurred (for example, ‘casino’)
- a summary of what has happened and actions your company has taken
- the names and date of birth (if known) of the child or young person involved
- contact details of a person we can discuss the incident with.
This information is to be reported to us via the LCCP notifications part of the eServices digital service (opens in new tab) on our website. You must select one of the following types when entering this LCCP notification on eServices:
- LCCP Notification: U18 repeated gambling attempts
This reporting requirements applies to all holders of adult gaming centre licences, non-remote bingo and family entertainment centre licences, non-remote casino licences, and non-remote betting and remote betting intermediary (trading rooms only) licences.
Note, that it is an offence under the Gambling Act 2005 (Sections 48 and 49) (opens in new tab) for a young person to gamble or to enter premises restricted to adults. It is also an offence for a person to invite or permit a child to gamble or enter a premise Gambling Act 2005 (Sections 46 and 47) (opens in new tab). You need to report any occurrences of these offences to us separately, in accordance with LCCP Licence conditions 15.1.1__ (Reporting suspicion of offences etc – non-betting licences) and 15.1.2 (Reporting suspicion of offences etc – betting licences).
You must also tell us about the total number of ‘People who have gambled were unable to verify their age’ as part of your company’s regulatory return.
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LCCP notifications (society and local authority lotteries)
Last updated: 23 October 2024
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