Consultation response
Changes to licence condition 8.1 (display of licensed status)
Consultation response for the changes to licence condition 8.1 (display of licensed status).
Next steps
Changes to the licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP) will take effect from 31 October 2020.
These changes will affect:
- all remote casino, bingo and betting licences other than ancillary, host, remote betting intermediary (trading room only), remote general betting (limited) and remote general betting (standard) (remote platform) licences
- all gaming machine technical, gambling software and host licences
- all lottery operating licences issued to non-commercial societies, local authorities or external lottery managers (that offer access to lottery products via a website or mobile application).
These proposed revisions align with our ongoing work to redesign our Public Registers of licensed operators (including their website domains), personal licence holders and premises. When the new Public Register digital service goes live in autumn 2020, we will be issuing operators new web links to it.
The form and manner we will require licensees to display that they are licensed and regulated by us and how their account number and link to our public registers are to be displayed, will be published before, or alongside, the issuing of new links to our public register.
When the new links are issued, we will allow licensees three months to make the required changes to their websites and mobile applications. Specific dates will be in the letters by which we issue the new links to our public register.
Previous sectionConsultation proposals and background
Last updated: 2 August 2021
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