Strategic focus 4: Being proactive and addressing issues at the earliest opportunity
It is in the best interests of consumers and the public to secure the compliance of a licensee at the earliest opportunity. We want to achieve that objective through more proactive activities and interventions with licensees and reduce reliance on reactive compliance and enforcement activity.
We are clear this shift is only appropriate where licensees are making best endeavours to operate compliantly and with due regard for consumers and the public. Where they are not, we will continue to take decisive and escalating enforcement action.
Here are the specific deliverables which will support the delivery of this strategic focus:
Develop and embed an Industry Forum
We will create a work plan for the forum to deliver against.
Why: This forms part of our strategic commitment to build on our existing approach to ensure we are engaging with a wide range of stakeholders.
As a result: We will have broader relationships with industry and better insight into the environment in which licensees operate.
Strategically assess the Fair and Open licensing objective
We will conduct a strategic assessment focused on the fair and open licensing objective which will be informed by our consumer research programme, data from Alternative Dispute Resolution providers and others, and by our findings from compliance work and horizon scanning.
Why: This forms part of our strategic commitment to increase the resource available to improve our understanding of issues which pose a risk to the fair and open licensing objective. This will enhance our work on ensuring gambling operators conduct business in a fair and open way and will enhance consumer perceptions of how gambling is offered within our market.
As a result: We will have a greater understanding of what the main issues are for consumers in respect of the fair and open licensing objective, and therefore where to target our resources. This is to help plan work to best deliver positive change such as:
- levels of consumer trust in gambling and confidence in gambling regulation improving
- operators having much greater clarity about regulatory expectations concerning the fair and open licensing objective
- operators behaving more consistently and for the benefit of consumers.
We will continue to measure and report on consumer survey responses obtained through the Gambling Survey for Great Britain. We will also monitor trends in complaints to our Contact Centre and compliance assessment outcomes.
Read more details about this strategic focus in our corporate strategy.
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Strategic focus 5: Regulating a successful National Lottery
Last updated: 18 July 2024
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