Priority 4 - Increasing the effective use of data by the Commission and the gambling industry
Data and insight will be a primary focus for the Gambling Commission next year. We will lay the foundations to make significant improvements in how the Commission acquires and holds an increased range of data and leverages this to assist with its regulatory operations, as well as providing an open-source repository for stakeholders. We are investing in the initial phase of our data improvements from the recent uplift in operators’ fees.
We will be looking at how the Commission sources, analyses and stores data and how data can help us bring fresh insight to how we are delivering our strategic goals. Alongside this, we will review our internal structures, ensuring we have appropriate skills and resources available to deliver the new data programme.
To achieve this we will:
- continue our official statistics improvement programme
- enhance our wider evidence base to inform better regulation
- refresh our regulatory data model and tools
- define our approach to use the data to inform research, policy development and operational activity. This work will address the National Audit Office’s (NAO) recommendation that we enhance our analytical capability to better identify consumer harm and make greater use of the intelligence
- improve the range and quality of our internal management information.
Resources and investment
To accelerate our data agenda, £1.1m of investment funding has been allocated from the recent increase in operators’ fees. In the interim plan, we have allocated £250,000 to source specialist advice to help shape our data strategy and support our scoping activities in the first half of the year.
The remaining funds will be allocated for the second half of the year following further scoping activities. This may include additional specialist staff. We have also allocated £370,000 to extend our sample sizes for our Participation and Prevalence research.
Previous pagePriority 3 - Continuing to develop our operational activities effectively Next page
Priority 5 - Continuously improving our organisational effectiveness
Last updated: 7 April 2022
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