Priority 2 - Responding to the Government's White Paper on the Gambling Act
The Gambling Commission welcomes the government’s review of the Gambling Act which is also considering our powers and resources.
There are three key deliverables for our initial work as part of the Gambling Act Review:
- Develop our further advice to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in response to questions raised in the Gambling Act Review White Paper. This involves building upon our initial advice and providing further advice that may be required in response to the White Paper.
- Develop a model for reform of our resource and funding framework. We will be working towards developing a model, drawing on best practice in other regulators, in the United Kingdom (UK) and overseas, that will deliver on the principles already agreed by our Board.
- Consulting on proposed policy and changes to our Licensing Conditions and Code of Practice (LCCP) in response to the White Paper commitments.
We expect the Gambling Act Review White Paper to introduce several fundamental and far-reaching changes, implementation of which is likely to require significant effort from teams across the Commission.
As many of the actions arising from the White Paper will likely require consultation, we also recognise the resource impacts upon those stakeholders that will want to engage with consultation processes. Our approach will be to seek to publish a timetable of proposed consultations, make our consultations more thematic in nature and limit the number of individual consultations to avoid overburdening stakeholders and minimise consultation fatigue.
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Priority 3 - Continuing to develop our operational activities effectively
Last updated: 7 April 2022
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