Financial Forecast
Our budget for 2023 to 2024 will support the successful delivery of both our core regulatory activity and our known strategic deliverables. The surplus budget set does not include a costed provision for the Gambling Act white paper and development of our data strategy amongst other deliverables. As these become known to us in detail, approval will be sought from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to utilise our surplus and reserves (in line with policy) to fund future activities.
Our financial management arrangements reflect the principles set out within Managing Public Money and to ensure that we comply with accounting standards as set out in HM Treasury’s Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) and our Management Agreement with the DCMS.
We are budgeting to receive total income of £78.2 million, of which £26.4 million is fees charged to gambling operators. Total expenditure is budgeted at £76.3 million, with the surplus transferred to reserves.
Income and expenditure | Gambling Regulation (£'million) |
The National Lottery (£'million) |
Gambling Commission Total (£'million) |
Fee income | 26.4m | 26.4m | |
Other income | 0.5m | 0.5m | |
Grant in Aid from the National Lottery Distribution Fund | 51.3m | 51.3m | |
Total income | 26.9m | 51.3m | 78.2m |
Operating expenditure | 25.1m | 51.3m | 76.4m |
Surplus transferred to reserves | 1.8m | 0m | 1.8m |
Fee Income
The breakdown of our fee income (excluding The National Lottery, which is funded by grant-in-aid) is as follows.
Annual fee income by sector (percentage).
Sector | Amount (percentage) |
Betting | 33% |
Casino | 28% |
Software and/or machines | 25% |
Bingo | 4% |
Lottery | 6% |
Arcades | 4% |
Annual fee income by remote and non-remote (percentage).
Channel income | Amount (percentage) |
Remote | 69% |
Non-remote | 31% |
BP 2023 to 2024 - Strategic Objective 5: Improving gambling regulation
Last updated: 3 April 2023
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