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Business Plan and Budget 2023 to 2024


Foreword from Andrew Rhodes, Chief Executive

As a world-leading regulator we are committed to making gambling fairer, safer and crime free. I am pleased to introduce this year’s business plan, which outlines how we will do this.

We will continue our mission to protect those most at risk, while delivering on our statutory obligations to the benefit of every one of the 22.5 million people in Great Britain who gamble each month.

As we enter the final year of our corporate strategy, we are looking at a globalised, innovative, and ever-shifting sector. As the market diversifies, operators need to be more competitive and innovative if they want to continue to grow in the British market.

While the market diversifies, the illegal online gambling sector also becomes more sophisticated. We will continue working to tackle this, making use of intelligence-led disruption and collaboration with a broad range of partners.

We also anticipate the Government's Gambling Act Review white paper will create an opportunity to build on the progress we have already made to protect players and the public; and to regulate and license the industry. We look forward to its publication.

To maximise the opportunities available in the year ahead, our work will be supported by robust governance (including the recruitment of six new Commissioners), financial controls, and performance management.

Underpinning it all are three guiding principles that provide focus and ambition for the year ahead. They are:

  • putting people first
  • doing the right thing
  • regulation that works for all.

Putting people first

The Gambling Commission is here for everyone.

We have clear statutory objectives, and it is important we embrace them and keep our attention on those who may be at risk. And not just those at risk of harm, whether it be financial, physical, mental, or even to friends or family, but those at risk of disadvantage through unfair or illegal practices as well.

We will review the progress of the industry trial of sharing appropriate information through a single customer view (SCV) solution to identify consumers at high risk of harm and will consider next steps beyond the trial alongside Government and the industry. We will support operators as they work to share good practice on the use of algorithms to better detect the risk of harm to online consumers and meet the Commission's customer interaction requirements.

Putting people first refers not only to consumers but also our workforce. We will push forward with making the Commission a Great Place to Work for our people, building on last year’s accreditation. This will focus on effective leadership, clear direction, and a robust employee offer supported by a new Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

Doing the right thing

The voice of the Commission is authoritative, trusted and impartial. Research and insight are fundamental to this.

This year, following extensive testing and research, we will launch the official Gambling Survey for Great Britain. One of the largest gambling participation and prevalence surveys in the world, this survey will explore gambling behaviours and experiences amongst the adult population.

Building on the work started through 'Path to Play' we have invested in our consumer research for the next three years, exploring the motivations and behaviours of all players across the different gambling pathways they have.

Excitingly, the year 2024 represents the thirtieth anniversary of the National Lottery. As custodians of this great national institution, we will continue to oversee the effective transition to the fourth licence and ensure the best possible outcomes for good causes while protecting players.

Regulation that works for all

We want a compliant gambling industry and will work with the industry to achieve this. We will roll out account management with more effective and earlier engagement. Where operators do not make efforts to meet our standards, our compliance and enforcement work will ensure serious repercussions.

Gambling is a global tech industry and compliance is now a global imperative. That's why we will work even more closely with our international colleagues, maximising our use of a wide range of data, sharing insights and working collaboratively across borders.

I’m proud of what the Commission has achieved in the last year. The consequences for non-compliance have increased, our understanding of what drives consumers in their gambling has evolved and our commitment to collaboration has led to further opportunities to make gambling fairer, safer and crime free.

In the year ahead, guided by the principles previously detailed, I am confident that we will achieve even more.

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BP 2023 to 2024 - Mission, Vision and Strategic Goals
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