Digital Advisory Panel: Managing conflicts of interest policy
The policy on managing conflicts of interest for the Gambling Commission's Digital Advisory Panel. The policy aims to maintain public trust and confidence.
Gifts and hospitality
18. The Digital Advisory Panel (DAP) members are encouraged to increase their understanding of the gambling sector, including by contacts with a wide range of organisations and stakeholders. In doing so, they should maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.
19. DAP members must not accept any gifts from the gambling sector or individuals or organisations relating to it. A common-sense approach should be taken to offers of hospitality. In a number of settings such as visits to operators, establishing new contacts or undertaking wider stakeholder engagement, acceptance of hospitality should not be problematic. Examples may be light refreshments where these are incidental to engagement with stakeholders. DAP members should consider whether acceptance of hospitality could be perceived to create an obligation and whether a reasonable person might think that acceptance could influence the member’s judgement in relation to a piece of advice to the Gambling Commission.
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DAP: Managing conflicts of interest policy - Principles for managing conflicts of interest
Last updated: 14 February 2023
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