Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
5 - Responsibilities
5.1. Acting with delegated authority from the Board of Commissioners (the Board), the Remuneration and Nomination Committee (RNC) can act on the items listed below:
5.2. Decide upon (as needed):
- any proposed redundancy or other severance arrangement where the payment to the individual or individuals will be £30,000 or more
- the recruitment process for the position of Chief Executive.
5.3. Recommend to the Board (as needed):
- the appointment of the Chief Executive (subject to the Secretary of State as to the terms and conditions of appointment)
- appropriate Commissioner involvement in the recruitment of other senior Gambling Commission posts
- the terms of any special severance arrangements applying in the event of any required and unplanned early termination of employment of the Chief Executive or any member of the Executive Team, having regard to relevant guidance and codes of practice and their contracts of employment.
5.4. Make recommendation to the Chair (as needed) on the composition and assessment of experience of Board members, to identify any skills gap to be used in recruitment of Commissioners (including the Chair). The results of this assessment should be shared with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to inform Commissioner recruitment.
5.5. Scrutinise (annually):
- the process for appraisal of Commissioners, including the Chair and Senior Independent Director (noting the Chair’s appraisal is conducted by DMCS). The RNC should seek assurance that these are conducted according to process and scrutinise any trends and themes emerging
- the process for appointment of new Commissioners, including ensuring plans are on track and identifying any areas of concern
- the onboarding and/or induction process for new Commissioners to review progress made and feedback on any gaps and next steps
- the application of the frameworks relating to the annual appraisals of the Chief Executive and Executive team
- the recommended performance ratings following the Executive Team’s annual appraisals (conducted by the Chief Executive) and the CEO’s annual appraisal (conducted by the Chair)
- the Chair’s proposed annual performance objectives for the CEO
- proposed arrangements for the Board to review its performance and effectiveness
- the annual pay remit and reward scheme, including senior pay awards
- gender (and/or other protected characteristic) pay gap reporting and any remedial plans arising
- succession plans for Executive and Board members to ensure continuity of leadership and an optimal skill and diversity composition.
5.6. Scrutinise (as needed):
- the Commission’s pay and reward policy and/or approach
- any significant changes to HR policy relating to pay and reward including the pension scheme.
Meetings Next section
Committee effectiveness
Last updated: 17 June 2024
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