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National Strategic Assessment 2020

This report sets out our latest assessment of the issues we face and the risks that gambling poses to consumers and the public

  1. Contents
  2. The person gambling
  3. The person gambling - GC action

The person gambling - GC action

It is unacceptable that unaffordable gambling is still featuring in our casework, and this is why we have launched a consultation to explore how unaffordable gambling can be reduced.

GC action

We will respond to our consultation and accompanying call for evidence on how best to improve the effectiveness of customer interaction. This consultation is exploring the themes of affordability, vulnerability and identifying and acting on indicators of harm.

Our compliance and enforcement teams continue to see cases where individuals have exhibited clear indicators of gambling- related harm but have been able to continue to gamble without effective action being taken by the licensee. Some of these individuals have funded their gambling through crime but most cases were customers relying on unsustainable funds such as loans; credit; inheritance; personal injury or redundancy payments.

GC action

Our Compliance team regularly investigate operators and their adherence to the Social Responsibility code provisions as well as reviewing commitments such as those made in Assurance Statements.

Our action to ban gambling by credit cards from April 2020 is intended to mitigate against the risk of financial harms arising from gambling. Evaluation of the change in consumer behaviour that causes is also an important next step.

Previous section
The person gambling - Case studies - Clearly unaffordable gambling
Next section
The person gambling - Identification of at-risk behaviours and vulnerability
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