Consultation response
Customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators: Consultation Response
This response sets out our position in relation to the consultation around the guidance on new, more prescriptive, customer interaction requirements for operators.
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Summary of responses
- Topic 1: The overall format, structure and language of guidance
- Topic 2: Introduction and Section A of the guidance – overarching content
- Topic 3: Section B of the guidance – Identify customers at risk of harm
- Topic 4: Section B of the guidance continued – Identify vulnerability
- Topic 5: Section C of the guidance – Take action for customers at risk of harm
- Topic 6: Section D of the guidance – Evaluate
- Topic 7: Further consultation questions
Summary of responses
- Topic 1: The overall format, structure and language of guidance Topic 1 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
- Topic 2: Introduction and Section A of the guidance – overarching content Topic 2 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
- Topic 3: Section B of the guidance – Identify customers at risk of harm Topic 3 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
- Topic 4: Section B of the guidance continued – Identify vulnerability Topic 4 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
- Topic 5: Section C of the guidance – Take action for customers at risk of harm Topic 5 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
- Topic 6: Section D of the guidance – Evaluate Topic 6 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
- Topic 7: Further consultation questions Topic 7 of the customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators consultation response, including the questions, respondents' views, and our position.
Introduction - Customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators
Last updated: 18 August 2023
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