LCCP Information requirements
Guidance for licence holders on the information requirements in the LCCP
3 - Key events (general)
This section provides guidance to holders of gambling operating licensees on general matters about reporting key events.
A key event is an event that could have a significant effect on a gambling business.
A summary of the key events are listed within LCCP Licence condition 15.2.1.
Reporting key events - General
All operating licences
A key event is an event that could have a significant impact on the nature or structure of a licensee’s business. Licensees must notify the Commission, in such form or manner as the Commission may from time to time specify, of the occurrence of any … key events as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within five working days of the licensee becoming aware of the event’s occurrence.
If any key event happens within your business, you must tell us about this, via the key events part of the eServices digital service (opens in a new tab) on our website.
You must do this within five working days of you finding out about the event. If, for any reason, you report the event to us after five working days, you need to explain the reason for the delay in the ‘Detail’ box of the respective key event report.
If you experience technical issues preventing you reporting key events to us via eServices, you should capture evidence of the problems experienced and contact us to discuss the matter.
When submitting a key event report, you must enter a date. This must be the date of the notification. Details about the date of the event are to be recorded in the ‘Detail’ box.
You must also record the key event type. To ensure you do this correctly, refer to the specific guidance for each key event and select the correct key event type.
For each key event report, you are given 1,500 characters in the ‘Detail’ box to provide a summary of the event. If additional space is required, or if you want to provide supporting documentation, you can upload files associated with the key event.
For operators with multiple licences, key events must be submitted within the eServices account of the licence relevant to the event you are telling us about.
This reporting requirement applies to holders of all operating licences.
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Key events (operator status)
Last updated: 15 April 2024
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