High Value Customers: Industry guidance
High Value Customers: Industry guidance
3 - Further guidance
As outlined in the previous section, this guidance specifically concerns the provision of incentives to HVCs. In addition to this, all customers, including those considered to be high-value customers, are subject to the wider requirements of the LCCP for consumer protection. In particular, the following guidance is relevant:
Customer interaction
Further information on how to meet requirements for proactive interaction can be found on our website.
Identity verification
Further information on age and identity verification requirements can be found on our website.
Anti-money laundering
Guidance on how to comply with anti-money laundering responsibilities can be found on our website.
Online markers of harm research
Further research on can be found on the GambleAware website (opens in new tab).
Previous sectionHigh Value Customers: Industry guidance - High Value Customer reward programmes
Last updated: 11 September 2023
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